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The source for League of Legends' strategies, item analyses and skins' reviews
Skin List
Note: you can select multiple filters by pressing ‘Shift’
Ah hah! Thank you for adding these filter/sort functions!
Not at all, they sure come in handy with the great amount of skins available.
skarner’s skins’ links are for to sej’s skins’ reviews =(
You’re right and also the splash arts; thanks for the correction.
Where is Heartseeker Ashe in the skins list?
We forgot to add her, thanks for the notice.
Thank you for making this page 🙂
Not at all, hope you find it useful.
Will you be doing the SKT T1 Skins?
Yes, we will.
Riot Blitzcrank is missing
Thanks for the notice, we added him now.
Grim Reaper Karthus is listed as 4 stars here while in Karthu’s skins review it is listed as 3 stars. I am slightly confused now.
With good reason because we seem to have left an extra star there for some reason. Thanks for the notice, we’ll correct the rating.