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A gifted swordsman with a dark past and elemental power: it’s hardly an unappealing prospect though it isn’t innovative either. Still, if the idea is well realized it could become an iconic character. On the other hand, it may as well end up as derivative and unexciting. Where does Yasuo stand?
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Mayhem, chaos and some sense of humour are nice in a measured dose but when they become the life and breath of a person’s existence one can wonder if there’s something else behind such lunacy. In Jinx’s case, what lays behind is a huge cannon and a minigun so it’s probably wise not to insist. Better to consider what the Loose Cannon offers to the League of Legends.
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As the epitome of Demacian courage and fanaticism Garen has certainly won his position in the League of Legends. However, it’s his peculiar way of attaining victory that has reserved a special place among fans. Then, how does this visual upgrade benefit the Might of Demacia?
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A new dark figure has reached the gates of the Institute of War with a clear target in mind: to cleanse the world. His lean and svelte silhouette speaks support a couple of unique weapons which make clear that his purification process isn’t exactly gentle. Lucian, the Purifier is here, let’s see how he adapts to the League of Legends.
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The second ultimate skin is finally coming to the League of Legends. Embracing his primal spirits and becoming one with them Spirit Guard Udyr appears. This ultimate skin offers a mystical monk with the power to physically manifest the will of animal spirits. If you want to know more, keep reading.
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Master Yi is not only a classic champion in the League of Legends but also one of the original ones. Seeing the ongoing advance in visual quality his cartoon-like looks have clashed with the general aesthetic for a while. Moreover, Yi has struggled in his role of melee carry; just like his colleagues of role. A visual upgrade and a re-work are in order so let’s take a look at what awaits the Wuju Bladesman.
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Through the eons a hidden force has changed the outcome of wars and battles all across Runeterra. The earliest accounts come from ancient times and speak of adversary factions that felt its presence and witnessed changes they wouldn’t have conceived possible. If you want to know more about the Darkin Blade, meet Aatrox.
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The mysterious Ice Witch finally makes her appearance in the League of Legends. Dark and foreboding shapes of ice mark her presence and only desolation she leaves behind. What can we expect about Lissandra’s look? How does she stand among so many champions? Read further into this preview of Lissandra, the Ice Witch.
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A usually overlooked yet powerful fighter, Trundle has been the victim of a concept with limited appeal: a decomposing curse. His brutish aspect and powers of decay are addressed by the re-work and turned into an ice-themed fantasy. Let’s take a look at how the new Trundle will be.
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