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External Resources – StrategyZero
May 292012
Morgana, the Fallen Angel
Morgana, the Fallen Angel

Morgana, the Fallen Angel is a versatile League of Legends champion: she can fill the roles of both mage and support. Due to advantage her Black Shield provides against other mages she’s usually the AP carry of a team. To learn about her abilities and how to use them, check the following guides.
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May 152012
Fiddlesticks, the Harbinger of Doom
Fiddlesticks, the Harbinger of Doom

Fiddlesticks, the Harbinger of Doom is a mage that can easily turn the tide of any team-fight with his ultimate, Crowstorm. Crowstorm’s blink and area damage coupled with the healing from Drain make Fiddlesticks a viable jungler and effective ganker. Check the following guides to learn more about Fiddlesticks.
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May 082012
Tristana, the Megling Gunner
Tristana, the Megling Gunner

Tristana, the Megling Gunner is a long range carry with ample mobility and a few extras like a healing de-buff. Tristana’s range allows her and easy time harassing the enemy and a safe position in team-fights. However, there’s more to Tristana than her range; like ability combos. To learn more about her play-style and take advantage of her abilities check the following guides.
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May 012012
Akali, the Fist of Shadow
Akali, the Fist of Shadow

Akali, the Fist of Shadow is an energy based kunoichi assassin. She is based on quickly closing the distance to an enemy and dealing high damage using her abilities. Her kit provides quick ways for killing an enemy but it’s quite important to know when to attempt a fight because she is quite fragile and seldom builds much health or resistances. To learn more about how to effectively use all of Akali’s potential, check this guides.
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Apr 232012
Riven, the Exile
Riven, the Exile

Riven is a highly mobile mana-less fighter designed by Xypherous. In Summoner’s Rift she’s viable in both solo top and the jungle. Besides her multiple gap closers she also provides some disables, a knock up and a short stun, that help in ganks and when chasing. To learn more about Riven check the following guides.
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