Lux, the Lady of Luminosity has two defined sets of skins: one with a high fantasy theme and another with a militaristic theme. Both sets complement each other and show different aspects of Lux; even if her light powers stay intact. If you want to delve deeper into Lux’s fashion and career choices, read further into this skins’ review.
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Category: | Regular |
Price: | 520 RP |
Concept: | Lux dressed as a blue Demacian sorceress. |
Model: | New textures and moderate model changes for Lux. New texture for her wand. |
Particles: | No new particles. |
Animations: | No new animations. |
Sounds: | No new sounds. |
Splash Art: | Some stars and a full Moon are all that’s visible in the night. As a setting it’s rather humble but acceptable. Lux is what stands out riding her wand. Her portrayal is quite nice but somewhat uneven. On the whole, Lux’s appearance is clear and colourful. However, in parts the shading is crisp, like her right arm, or rather dull, as in her hat, or something intermediate, like her hair. The light sources are too bright: her wand and left hand tend to hide all nearby elements like a fog. Additionally, her legs give the impression of being too short and even too thin. The result it’s an acceptable but uneven portrayal which, added to the setting makes for a splash art that does its job but suffers from noticeable flaws. |
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Conclusion: | Sorceress Lux is a nice re-texture with some model changes that effectively make Lux a high fantasy sorceress. While the outfit is more revealing than her Classic attire it doesn’t simply expose Lux’s skin, instead it seems to display a more youthful look for her. It’s true that the skin is heavily based off Classic Lux but in spite of that, from the classic wizard hat to the white gloves, the skin succeeds in presenting Lux as a Demacian sorceress. A simple concept with a good execution is what Sorceress Lux delivers, considering the price, no Lux fan should skip Sorceress Lux. |
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Category: | Regular |
Price: | 750 RP |
Concept: | Lux dressed as a spell stealer. |
Model: | New model for Lux and her wand. |
Particles: | No new particles. |
Animations: | No new animations. |
Sounds: | No new sounds. |
Splash Art: | This splash art shows Lux hiding in the darkness of the woods, probably escaping due to some spell pilfering. Light sources are well used: both the glows in the forest and Lux’s wand bathe her in different shades of light. The piece has a good quality and a great setting that serves as a snapshot of Lux’s adventure. A very nice piece that takes advantage of the setting to better expose the skin’s concept. |
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Conclusion: | Spellthief Lux offers an interesting concept with a great execution. Lux’s hood, the wood wand, the belts with a spell book, a mysterious bag and several potions; it all suggests an unconventional magic adept. The subdued tones of her clothes match the need for secrecy intrinsic of thieves’ activities. All in all, Spellthief Lux is a very good skin that should appeal to any Lux fan. |
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Category: | Regular |
Price: | 520 RP |
Concept: | Lux dressed in a Demacian Commando suit. |
Model: | New model for Lux and her wand. |
Particles: | No new particles. |
Animations: | No new animations. |
Sounds: | No new sounds. |
Splash Art: | Lux stands before a burning jungle in an army suit that has plenty of references to modern warfare. The quality of the drawing and shading is great as well as the composition: Lux’s pose and expression set the piece apart from a simple pose. Besides, the lighting from the fire delineates Lux’s silhouette serving as a frame to the action. A very good and quality splash art. |
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Conclusion: | Commando Lux is, technically, a good re-model that radically changes Lux’s colourful armour for a practical Demacian Commando suit. The problem is that, while the changes and concept are good on paper, the final product is drab, dull and unexciting. That’s not to say that nobody should buy it as it may appeal to those looking for a more serious look for Lux. However, considering the great splash art and the plain model, it is an unconvincing skin that can’t be recommended. |
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Category: | Legacy |
Price: | 975 RP |
Concept: | Lux dressed in an army uniform. |
Model: | New model for Lux and her wand. |
Particles: | No new particles. |
Animations: | No new animations. |
Sounds: | No new sounds. |
Splash Art: | Among the high places of Demacia, Lux dramatically stands in her army uniform. The background is rich in details, even putting the wind in action thanks to the birds and flags’ movements. Lux is well drawn with great use of shading and lighting; though she looks a bit different from her other depictions; in particular her face. The uniform is quite complex, the different materials are well displayed and the wand has some nice glowing touches. However, the pose and overall sense of the piece seems a bit forced or artificial. It’s not a bad piece, it does have good quality, but the moment portrayed doesn’t convince as anything more than a pose. |
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Conclusion: | Imperial Lux seems to be another take at an army skin for Lux which succeeds, but up to a point. On the one hand, Lux receives a quality re-model with detailed textures. On the other hand, the wand as a sort of double gun is weird and her new face make her look like another person. It’s not that her face looks bad it’s that it doesn’t seem like Lux. Besides, something more appropriate could’ve been used as a wand; like a small double Demacian standard. Imperial Lux is a nice skin but only if you can ignore the strange wand design and accept Lux’s new face. |
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Category: | Regular |
Price: | 975 RP |
Concept: | Lux as a heavily armoured, futuristic soldier. |
Model: | New model for Lux and her wand. |
Particles: | New particles for Light Binding, Prismatic Barrier, Lucent Singularity and Final Spark. |
Animations: | New idle animation for her armour as well as new animations for Light Binding, Final Spark, auto-attack and recall. |
Sounds: | New energy sounds for her auto-attack and abilities. |
Splash Art: | The setting is some sort of complex covered by a deep mist that, conveniently, occludes details and parts of the scene. Lux is at the forefront attentive to her surroundings. The armour is fascinatingly designed and looks wonderful: the lines show imperfections and the shading the irregularities expected of use. On top of that, the light on the chest illuminates surrounding surfaces, though it’s covered in-game, and the ambient light creates reflections; though they aren’t very convincing in their placement. The wand looks as good as her armour plus her face looks delicate yet focused and determined. To be fair, it’s one of the best portrayals available but the background lets down a bit. Still, it’s a great splash art that serves as a great spotlight for the Steel Legion. |
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Conclusion: | Steel Legion Lux is a skin that may seem too bleak for Lux but that still suits her military career. Without doubt the skin mostly disregards Lux’s bright personality. However, the hi-tech soldier look is well done and Lux doesn’t feel forced into the theme. Besides, the complex armour looks practical and sturdy while the wand lethal and effective; it also has bladed ends for close combat. Model aside, some of the new particles are very subtle while others look great; like Light Binding and Final Spark. The same can be said about the new sounds but they manage to add a subtle layer of consistency to the theme. Regardless, Light Binding, Final Spark and her auto-attacks also receive new animations that, added to the other changes, give the skin a personality of its own. In the end, you could very well say that it’s just another army skin for Lux. It is, but it’s also a skin that excels with a great version of the downtrodden concept and an implementation that goes an extra step to make it unique. On its own, Steel Legion Lux is a wonderful skin and if you like Lux this is a wonderful choice. |
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Category: | Regular |
Price: | 1350 RP (742 RP, 45% off if you own Pajama Guardian) |
Concept: | Lux as a magical girl wielding the magic of the stars. |
Model: | New model for Lux and her wand plus new glow for her wand. |
Particles: | New star particles for her abilities, auto-attack, high-speed run, recall and death. |
Animations: | New recall, dance, standing idle and high-speed run animations. |
Sounds: | New sounds for her abilities, auto-attack, high-speed run, dance, recall and death. |
Splash Art: | While this piece is a straightforward portrayal it’s an effective one. The background is merely composed of swirls, bubbles and stars to fill space. The main purpose is to display Lux and that’s what it does. The depiction has a charming air with a saturated colour palette and a fresh look. The lines are clear and the colours used well even if shadows struggle to appear. Her wand also takes centre stage and perhaps too much as it seems to compete and even triumph over her. It’s strange to see one end glittering and the other dissolving as if transparent. If it’s appearing or disappearing it’s not very clear. The same happens with Lux’s left leg and foot: it gives the sense that she’s emerging from somewhere but there’s actually nowhere for her to come from. In spite of some diffuse elements and puzzling choices the portrayal manages to show Lux’s bright personality in a suitable way for her Sailor Moon style. It does leave a sour taste due to the nonexistent setting but the relief is that the spotlight shines bright on Lux. |
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Conclusion: | Embracing Lux’s magical side and incorporating the magical girl or mahou shoujo aesthetic Star Guardian Lux is a clear homage to that genre of manga and anime; with more than a passing tribute to Sailor Moon. Lux’s costume is colourful and full of the designs proper of a magical girl. It’s not revolutionary but certainly effective and iconic. Her wand also fulfils its role well while following her costume’s style. The only problem is that the colours don’t always mesh as well as they could and perhaps the abundance of blue, pink and similar hues makes them compete with each other. This makes the costume lack some harmony of design. The new particles and sounds have a clear star design that can feel too starry and childish. It’s a suitable choice but it may not appeal to everyone. That aside, the particles appear evidently magical yet still powerful in their own way. The new sounds work very well to support the visuals and make Lux’s actions brim with magical essence. The sounds, like the particles don’t feel specifically impactful but the kind of magic they reflect is effective at what they do. During her death the new particles and sounds succeed at displaying her star powers in a final but eloquent way. There are also a few new animations to speak of. Her new idle animation is a good but simple addition. She appears distant and even looking under her nose at others. The intention of defining a new identity with a new way of standing idle is commendable but the result doesn’t fit Lux’s bright nature; especially with this theme. The new dance is a nice extra but it would’ve welcomed some star effects to reflect the theme better. As it is, her moves convey her cheerful personality and the flowing wand her magic but it stops a bit abruptly. The recall is a fantastic tribute to magical girl’s transformations. It feels rather plain in the beginning but then it hits all the right notes. A proper transformation is missed though which would’ve added volumes. Still, it’s a very fine feature. All things considered, Star Guardian Lux is a wonderful skin that will be the delight of magical girl fans. Those that prefer Lux’s magical side to her military one will also find a lot to like; as long as they can put up with the starry overdose. In the end, it’s a skin that leaves the feeling that it could’ve been more satisfying had it gone all the way into legendary territory; or perhaps even ultimate. Some of the additions feel cut short in their development and more animations styled in the magical girl way would’ve certainly been welcome. Nonetheless, Star Guardian Lux is a great skin that fans of the Lady of Luminosity should not ignore. |
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Category: | Ultimate |
Price: | 3250 RP |
Concept: | Lux as multiple-elemental sorceress. |
Model: | New model separated in ten sub-models with major changes for Lux and ten new models for her wand. New glows for each of the ten wands and dresses. |
Particles: | New particles in each form for her abilities, auto-attack, transformation, joke, taunt, dance, and recall. New particles for her death. |
Animations: | New animations for her abilities, auto-attack, critical hits, standing idle, walking, high speed run, emotes, death, respawn and tower channel. New animation for each transformation. New recall animation with variations at the end for each form. |
Sounds: | New sounds in each form for her abilities, auto-attack, transformation and recall. New sounds for her high speed run, emotes, death and respawn. New voice-over and unique quotes per form with specific interactions with certain champions. |
Splash Art: | Before a large stained glass window with icons resembling elements Lux shows some of her intense power. An empty throne can be seen in a stairway with a stand holding a few pages to a side. It could be that the light is so strong in Lux’s hand that it makes the whole background diffuse but on the far left there’s no evidence of such. For all the variety of colours and architectural designs the, let’s guess, cathedral looks simple and dim. As far as context goes, it frames more than support Lux’s presence. If there is a connection with her light form, it’s too subtle. Lux’s portrayal arises from the surrounding fog with sharp lines and vibrant colours; as long as we ignore her thighs and folded skirt. The stance is simple, governed by a calm face that shows control but also gives a feeling of lack of interest on Lux’s part. The use of light is quite good though the intense glow on her left hand doesn’t seem as powerful as one could guess from looking at its blinding strength. Colours tend to be restricted to pale blues to the point that even the gold ends up with azure highlights. The gem on her tiara does look rather dull; especially for being so close to a strong light source. The wand, despite having magical glows on both ends seems insipid and the magical light resembles plastic. All in all, this is a rather unassuming splash art for an ultimate skin. The design is too simple: Lux posing in some elegant room. There’s absolutely no clear reference to any of her nine other forms, only some subtle icons, and the one focused on suffers from a depiction that is hardly meaningful. The portrayal is well done but also mute and the whole piece timid. It ignores the magnificent potential brimming in Elementalist Lux and settles for a straightforward approach that is, frankly, disappointing. As a display of Elementalist Lux’s Light form, it suffices. However, as the presentation card for an ultimate skin with ten different forms it’s simply puzzling. |
Extras: | Five Summoner icons: Light, Wind, Fire, Nature and Water. New in-game champion portrait. Animated splash art for the championās profile overview. Master Elementalist Edition Bundle (3950 RP) also includes the Elementalist Ward skin and five Summoner icons; Dark, Storm, Magma, Mystic and Ice. |
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Conclusion: | There are two ways of approaching Elementalist Lux: one is to take a collective general look at the skin and the other to analyse each form as a single entity and add them all up. Seeing as there are ten forms to tackle and that the sum of the parts is more important than the individual ones, especially as one can’t use all forms in a single match, we’ll try to strike at the middle. To start with, there’s an evident familiarity between the forms as they are, invariably, changes of weapon and costume. Fortunately, both dress and wand also receive new particles that further display each form’s element. Ability particles and sounds as well as recalls, transformations and many quotes further individualise each form. Regardless, while differences are noticeable they never manage to fully capture the identity of each element. Perhaps due to the obvious limitations of choosing quantity over quality the superficial feel is always present. In other words: it’s always the same sorceress, doing the same things but with a different flavour. In terms of particles and sounds that’s where most of the variety is. All forms have their unique set of effects which aim at communicating their element. It’s not always successful. Many times visuals rely on coloured swirls of magic and sounds on tinkling magical bells. There are exceptions like Nature’s subtle leaves, Water’s bubbles and splashes, Air’s strong gusts, Mystic’s mysterious butterflies, Ice’s chilling frost or Storm’s distinct electricity. In a sense, Mystic, Ice and Storm are an evolution of Nature, Water and Air; respectively. Technically, the same should be said about the others. However, there’s a perceivable overlap: Magma can feel like Fire with more ash, which helps the former’s identity, yet the essence is the same because their concepts are similar without a unique feature to individualise them. Whereas Nature and Mystic are mostly different in colour if we look beyond leaves and butterflies. Additionally, Light and Dark can also seem different only in colour and dress even if one manages a subtle delicacy with the other as a mildly sinister counterpart. Thus, Fire, Magma, Nature, Mystic, Light and Dark tend to share similar visuals of a swirling magical element with different colours, timid extras and sounds making the real difference. Mystic, in particular, doesn’t seem to know what it’s actually about. It shows butterflies that make it stand apart but the actual element is a real mystery. Water, Air, Ice and Storm have visuals that more effectively convey each element and yet the swirling magic effect is still noticeable in them as well. Animations along the voice-over elaborate on each form’s personality, whether aggressive, secretive or defiant. Even though there are many different quotes there’s a shared core not only in the literal sense but also in the underlying, familiar personality. Differences are present but not always cemented enough to present each element in a distinct way. Whether with one flavour or another, it’s always the same Lux. With regards to the abilities looks, Light Binding is usually a glowing ball of energy with some elemental traces around. This always ends in a recognisable and reused light prison that, independent of element, looks the same and, frankly, clashes with most of the form’s identities; sans Light. Prismatic Barrier throws a couple of orbs that stand out only in colour; except for Mystic’s butterflies. Fortunately, the actual shield that covers Lux and her allies captures each element more clearly. Lucent Singularity central glowing orb tends to be rather unclear. Conversely, the area affected around it does a better job at displaying each element’s feel. Final Spark exhibits the same problem as each form natively does. In certain cases the ultimate shows a distinct, strong burst of elemental power. Sadly, in most cases it tends to be reduced to a simple magical beam of different colour. The circles of magic help in that regard but, like the colour, are shallow indicators. The collective new animations for abilities and regular actions are nothing extraordinary. They look different from classic but there’s nothing really impressive. There’s one exception though, the high speed run with Lux riding her wand is a nice, classic touch. The recall relies on the same beginning but always shows a twist to tie in with each form’s personality; similar to the transformation. The death sequence is surprisingly identical not only in animation but also in particles. It’s startling that after so much variety in recall and transformations her death doesn’t take advantage of each form’s unique particles. When experiencing Elementalist Lux it’s obvious that the lingering first impression was an unattainable utopia. The actual skin retreads a lot of ground from the very concept: a sorceress that relies on an element; not just light in this case. Each form aims at presenting a unique identity but that’s often superficial and not always clearly conveyed. On top of that the second forms don’t feel superior to the primary ones or even the initial form so there’s no perceivable sense of progression in her power. In spite of the uneven result there’s no denying that there’s a lot to like. Even if the skin were reduced to its best forms it would be an appealing elemental sorceress. Undoubtedly, going for quantity over quality hasn’t produced the best of results. Fortunately, if one relishes on the variety and doesn’t expect a depth that the skin simply isn’t designed to offer then it’s an ultimate with much in its favour. For fans of Lux’s sorceress side it’s probably the zenith of her magical potential. The skin’s worth is certainly not in the depth but the vastness of alternatives it presents. With so many choices to customise her look and feel, even if shallow, it has to be admitted that Elementalist Lux is alluring. It’s undoubtedly a skin that goes beyond the possible realm of legendary skins by offering a game-play experience on top of a great variety of optional looks. Therefore, it’s a skin that fans of Lux and ultimates will see as a worthy addition to the Lady of Luminosity’s wardrobe. |
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Category: | Legacy |
Price: | 1350 RP |
Concept: | Lux as a mystical regent. |
Model: | New model for Lux and her staff plus new animated neckpiece. New glow for her dress’ neckpiece and staff. |
Particles: | New particles for her abilities, auto-attack and recall. |
Animations: | New animations for her neckpiece and recall. |
Sounds: | New sounds for her abilities, auto-attack and recall. |
Splash Art: | Glowing light, clouds, rocks: there’s power in the air. There’s also too much light so that everything is homogenised under its tyrannical intensity. The Lunar Guardians are also present, flanking Lux, but they are diffuse figures that only give the most general of ideas of their look; this makes them look rather similar too despite their differences. In the middle of this chaos we find Lux, sharply depicted, like a calming dose of order. This relief isn’t perfect as the rough shading and dull colours take away the expected brightness; likethat found on gold, magical adornments or glows. The look is quite clear though, even if legs are omitted, and the stance communicates a serene determination that may strike as simple but is also fitting for an Empress that is tasked with guarding her realm. Still, her face doesn’t look exactly like the Lux known to all. All in all, this is a splash art with a decidedly messy background. There’s some backdrop but aside from Warwick and Nasus there’s little sense to it. Lux’s portrayal is straightforward but appealing. Strangely, all the lustre seems to be missing as if it were unfinished. Regardless, given the effective depiction, the piece works. |
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Conclusion: | It’s evident that Lunar Empress Lux owes a lot to Elementalist. The base and shared technology is noticeable so that the skin feels like an extra form with a bit of Eastern style. That’s not a bad thing per se but it comes with its own set of ups and downs. While the skin manages to be appealing there’s also quite a bit of familiarity that comes from it. The model is a case where the skin displays its identity yet also seems chained by the Elementalist base. While it’s true that there are only so many ways to dress a sorceress we also find the quintessential high boots, long gloves, lightly protected body and flourishing neckpiece. To be fair, the armour is a good touch and the golden highlights add the necessary royal feel. The hairstyle with golden pin is distinct and the dragon ended staff also stands out. Another aspect that catches the eye is the aforementioned neckpiece with a faint golden glow that echoes the staff. She may bring to mind a different take on a fire form but Lux looks quite nice, nonetheless. Particles also seem to remind a bit of fire but in a more generic magical way. There are fire sparks emanating and trailing after the golden light which, given the stylised use of fire in the abilities, makes the skin feel rather familiar. Most abilities rely on golden fire with circling swirls as seen on Lucent Singularity and Prismatic Barrier. The explosion of the former has playful clouds that also follow Light Binding’s projectile; they also briefly appear in Final Spark. Unfortunately, even if it allows the skin to tie in the style of other Lunar Revel skins it doesn’t fit the ethereal, mystical identity of the Lunar Empress style. What is a good example is Light Binding’s sphere of light which vibrates in its trajectory; making for an eye-catching display. The cage of golden light also has a mix of Eastern and regal style that is a great representative of the skin’s identity. Neither Illuminate nor auto-attacks stand out; they simply work. Final Spark, for an ultimate, shows the most reliance on Elementalist. The circle of magic is a good addition but clearly borrowed. It has a simpler design to Light Binding’s cage yet tries to evoke the same feelings; with diminished success. The burst of light is a brief, almost unrestrained discharge, similar to Elementalist’s natural power, which seems to betray the control displayed in her other abilities. Light Binding’s sphere does show that her magic isn’t fully dominated so her ultimate would understandably be more difficult to keep under check. Unfortunately, this aspect of Lux trying to control the vast power bestowed on her to protect her realm goes by without being taken advantage of. The flames left by Final Spark are nice but also reveal a fire-form Elementalist base. A major problem of the particles is also how homogeneous and sometimes flat-out monotonous they can be. Everything seems made from the same generic magic except for cage and shield. Consistency abounds but variety is lacking which can make the abilities less impressive than they can be. It’s also surprising to see that Lux’s death reuses the classic particles instead of adapting everything. Sounds are, truly, surprisingly disappointing. Most abilities have various assortments of twinklings which are only different in their tone: the larger the ability, the deeper. Final Spark is a bit different as it modifies the twinklings into a gong-like chime. It’s a mix of sounds that doesn’t manage to have a concrete identity but the echo left after the discharge is simply great. The sole new animation is the new recall. It’s a fitting yet subtle reference to the year of the dog and her two guardians. What’s most interesting is that they are kept as the heads of her staff. There’s nothing else of note; except that Nasus and Warwick manage to look cute for once. When all is added together Lunar Empress Lux is a nice skin but too familiar. Without exaggerating, it’s a stylised fire-form Elementalist Lux. The fire is less overt and natural yet clearly noticeable with a dress that follows the general Elementalist design with a, perhaps, darker or more aggressive armoured touch. The sounds don’t help and the recall doesn’t even say much; though it thankfully says something. Therefore, if you own Elementalist, Lunar Empress will feel like an extra, reinterpreted fire form separate from the main package. If you don’t own Lux’s ultimate skin then it’s an appealing budget alternative that still struggles to define a clear identity for the Lady of Luminosity. There’re suggestions of one yet it all fails to coalesce into a concrete whole. Regardless, it’s hardly a bad skin so while it doesn’t have many distinct characteristics it does have some appeal. |
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Category: | Regular |
Price: | 1350 RP (742 RP, 45% off if you own Star Guardian) |
Concept: | Lux as a magical girl wielding the magic of the stars, in a pajama party. |
Model: | New model for Lux and her wand plus new glow for her wand. |
Particles: | Star Guardian star particles for her abilities, auto-attack, high-speed run, recall and death. |
Animations: | Star Guardian animations for recall, dance, standing idle and high-speed run. |
Sounds: | Star Guardian sounds for her abilities, auto-attack, high-speed run, dance, recall and death. |
Splash Art: | Diffuse but cosy, we can reasonably expect the pyjama party to take place in a bedroom but the armchair in the middle hints at a living room or perhaps some other room that is being trashed in a pillow fight; there’s also a bookcase on the right. Fitting, no doubt, but with everything so diffuse details about the environment are lost. Worse yet is that those which are visible like the board game on the floor, biscuits on a bowl and toys lying around are disappointingly sketchy. Amidst this feathery chaos we find a selection of Star Guardians donning their familiar-inspired pyjamas. The portrayals are uneven, the farther away the champions are the blurrier they get. On top of that, colours are saturated and they lack vibrancy which give the portrayals a lacklustre feel. Take for instance the highlights on hair strands: they look rather dull while the hair looks flat-out waxy. The good news is that each champion has some room to show a bit of their personality. Truth be told, each Star Guardian manages to stand apart from the others in more than looks. Regardless, their actions could’ve been more tied to their personality and their portrayals less partial. We are dealing in subtle tells from the poses instead of clear messages coming from what and how they do things. In general, this is a splash art that joins five champions in a sensible setting and manages to show them in a good light. Portrayals could show each identity better and if we talk about the quality of the depictions and the background then it’s simply a letdown. This results in a functional piece which could’ve been much more interesting. |
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Conclusion: | It’s clear to the eye that Pajama Guardian Lux is cute and nice. Her pyjama is almost turned into a familiar costume though the hood is the only clear part of the familiar. Regardless, the different tones and star decorations make the pyjama rather pleasing to the eye. It’s clearly based on Star Guardian Lux, as her familiar staff and hairstyle demonstrate. Still, it’s an appealing look that doesn’t seem out of place in her but perhaps isn’t the ideal choice for battle. Therefore, Pajama Guardian Lux is a good diversion from Star Guardian which is suitable enough. It certainly is no competition to the actual Star Guardian skin but fans will find it an appealing extra. Just keep in mind that the new pyjama is all that’s really different. |
Lux’s two sets of skins come with greatly different degrees of success but there are good choices in either of them. In general, the high fantasy skins are the recommended ones: Sorceress Lux being the cheaper of them, and Spellthief Lux having a more distinct look. The more expensive is Star Guardian Lux with a clear and appealing magical girl style. It asks for quite a bit but also offers a lot of star-powered charm. Fans of magical girls will find that it’s a skin that delivers.
The militaristic skins are a different matter. Steel Legion Lux is recommended as a fantastic skin that delivers its theme very well. However, Commando Lux is a disappointment, especially notable due to the great splash art. Additionally, Imperial Lux is a skin that has good quality but suffers from a couple of questionable design choices.
In summary, the former set will probably appeal to most people while the latter may have trouble convincing even Lux fans; except for Steel Legion Lux. If you like Lux’s military career then Steel Legion Lux is the best choice you can make but her fantasy side tends to shine more.
Also belonging to the first magical set of skins we find the unique ultimate: Elementalist Lux. It is, without shadow of a doubt an expensive skin but also one that offers a lot of variety in looks. Each form tends to feel superficial in its approach but the skin isn’t based on depth but in choice. With some many options and some forms that capture a feel of their element it has to be accepted that Elementalist Lux is a captivating skin at times.
Legacy and tied to Lunar Revel, Lunar Empress Lux is a skin with a darker fire form take on Elementalist. The similarities are too many to ignore. The advantage is that it makes the skin work rather well but the downside is that it also makes it too familiar. As a budget, stylised extra fire form it’s a nice skin. It’s not an option with a clear identity but there’s no doubt that it’s an appealing skin in its way.
Pajama Guardian Lux is nice and cute. The pyjama suits Lux but probably not a battle. Regardless, it’s colourful and representative enough of her familiar. As an extra for Star Guardian Lux fans it’s a fine option but it’s certainly no competition for Star Guardian. For a change of clothes, though, it surely is good.
Please, you can make a Skin Preview of Riven and Akali?.
With pleasure. Both champions are already on the list due to a previous request; their priority will be increased.
Maybe the Lux Commando skin could be more similar to the splash art, but it’s a good skin and it looks good ingame. And yeah the splash art for Imperial Lux could be better, but the skin is top notch and Lux face LOOKS 1000 times better, her old face is just OLD, all her other skins neeed a remodel like the imperial skin has, maybe they could make the face look a bit diferent than in the imperial one, but the imperial one is definately better then the original.
We agree, Commando Lux shows an stark difference between splash art and in-game model. It’s true that Imperial Lux’s model shows quite a lot of quality yet the skin simply doesn’t impress. It’s lacking something to make it stand out; it’s a good skin anyway, just not excellent.
Let’s hope that an eventual visual re-work can make Lux’s skins shine as the lady of luminosity deserves.
The Steel Legion Lux review seems to (well I think it does) have an error: it says there are no new sounds but at least the W and E seem to have new sounds pretty distinctively, possibly the others but not as clearly so not certain.
Thanks for the notice, we’ve been unsure whether there were new sounds. We’ll give Steel Legion Lux another look as that seems to be the case. There difference may be small but they are definitely worth checking.
Glad I could help, I use this site whenever I’m looking at getting a skin for a champion as I did with Lux here :-).
Good to know you find the site useful; thanks again.
I come here for your review on every new skin and I respect your ability to take constructive criticism. Thanks for all the hard work you do as well as the ability to be mature and thoughtful.
Not at all and thanks for the kind words. We are glad that you like the reviews.
Can i ask Zero?.. Spellthief lux’s wand is a dark gray metalic wand right? not a wood :)))
or a hard wood wand?
Looks like dark wood but we’ll give it another look.
Hey Zero, I wanted to ask. I have a sale for Spelltheif Lux for 135 RP (SEA normal price is 270RP) [46 hours left as of now]. Should I wait for a sale for Steel Legion Lux or just but Spelltheif Lux?
Sorry for the late answer. Spellthief Lux is a rather nice skin but there’s no doubt that Steel Legion is more elaborate. However, Spellthief is closer to her lore and identity while Steel Legion is a sci-fi departure. If you just want good visuals then Steel Legion also provides new particles, animations and sounds. Spellthief is more modest but it shows a little darker side of her.
To be fair, both are good skins but they deliver different fantasies. If you are a great Lux fan you’ll probably want them both eventually. In end, it’s difficult to make a bad choice and as long as you are patient you’ll be able to get them both on sale. At any rate, choose based on which one you like the most because usually there are opportunities to get skins on sale if you don’t mind the wait.
Thanks a lot, friend! True, I am a Lux fan so I would want to get both. I decided to get the Spelltheif Lux and now, I am waiting for the Steel Legion to be on sale. Sorry for the late reply.
By the way, is there any way to keep up with this site using a mobile device? (Like an app or a forum redirector? Or must we bookmark the webiste?)
The wait is the worst part. The January Demacia Bundle presented an opportunity of getting Steel Legion Lux but it wasn’t the most flexible option. We’ll have to patiently wait then.
We haven’t considered making the website mobile-friendly though it might work to an extent. The RSS feed could be useful if you just want to check new posts.
If necessary we could consider making an app or a specific format for mobile devices. We’ll keep it in mind; thanks for the suggestion.
I’ve done it again. Sigh… Sorry for the really late response. Anyway, SEA doesn’t have the same sales as the other areas so… Yeah. But thanks anyway. Do you work on this webpage all alone? If so, then you’re simply brilliant. No ads, beautiful layout and amazing reviews. I always read your reviews no matter what skin I buy. Thank you, dear sir! Good luck.
Edit: Saw the “we”. Must be more than one. Even so, brilliant job maintaining. Please don’t ever shut down or something!
Don’t worry and not at all, it’s a pleasure. Indeed, it seems that some regions work different to others. Hopefully that means that you can get some nice offers too.
Well, it’s more than a person that contributes to the site; especially players. Without their, that means your, feedback the blog wouldn’t be able to cope with so much information.
We do have an ad on the site, to be fair, but we put ease of use and quality before anything else. In our view, if the information is useful and appreciated then people will support us. We prefer to let the quality of our work speak for itself.
The idea is to give a point of view on the skins so that you have a frame to analyse a skin and make an educated purchase. We don’t intend to be the objective voice of truth we simply provide advice. If anyone disagrees with us we welcome the discussion. It’s thanks to different ideas that we are able to grow.
steel legion on sale now in SAM garena!!
Gosh! To the Batcave!
I KNOW RIGHT?! AND AT A PERIOD WHERE I DON’T HAVE MONEY. And the borrow GS doesn’t work… GAH why Garena?! When I have RP for a skin, you give shit skins for sale. And when I don’t, you give beautiful skins on sale…
Sorry for the extra comment. Anyway, to reply to your… reply, I realised I had my ad blocker on. Well, I turned it off for this site. Anyway, indeed you do a great job. Thank you again.
No problem. As it seems, Murphy’s Law is in full effect: whenever one is unable to buy a skin, the best appear on sale. Saving and waiting might be the best course of action to be ready when Murphy thinks we are unready.
Its really funny how Garena makes sales. They make ‘Freljord sales’ for Winter Olymics when like…. there’s no Freljord Ashe or Rammus and they have Black Belt Udyr and Bloodstone Lissandra for sale… Like wow…
They either have a very peculiar sense of humour or a mysterious agenda that encompasses a larger plan of unpredictable consequences. They could also choose them at random.
To be fair winter and Freljord are related and both Udyr and Lissandra are related to that region. Still, the connections seem a bit flimsy.
I know right? Anyway, who am I to complain?
PS: Heartseeker Ashe is hot š
Just the way things are. Also, brace yourselves for Hearseeker’s Ashe heart-infused arrival and careful with his mild-mannered husband.
*cough cough* Mild-mannered husband? “Undying Rage”
What do you think about Vel’Koz? I think he’s way too op and he’s sure to be nerfed in a few patches. Maybe you should have an “Upcoming Champion Review” kind of thing.
He’ll completely understand as the reasonable gentleman he is. After all, he’s taken the retcon of his marriage quite well, don’t you think? Gentleman Tryndamere.
Vel’Koz, sounds like a new dish. Seems like many will have a seafood meal soon. Balance is always in fluctuation so nerfs and buffs can be guaranteed as well as dinner; look for our new recipe. The question is: will Vel’Koz be fun to play with?
Fun… Can’t confirm that. Way too op? Can confirm that. Vel’Koz to be nerfed in the next patch, I guarantee it!
Then, nothing new under the sunlight.
I just picked up Lux again, and I’m loving it. Steel Legion Lux was on sale last month, so she won’t be on for a while. Would you recommend picking her up at full price? I’ve never actually bought a permanent skin at full price before. Do you think there might be a chance of a new, better Lux skin coming out anytime soon?
Steel Legion Lux is a very nice skin but obviously better while on sale. If you really want it now then you could get it at full price; patience pays but you’ll need a lot. As you mentioned it was recently on sale and also in a bundle so chances of a return are low.
It’s possible that a future Lux skin will get released and be, at least, as good as Steel Legion. Lux is rather popular but there are many other champions also awaiting a new skin. Besides, you’ll also have to wait for a sale on that one.
An alternative is to wait for some of her other skins to go on sale while you wait for Steel Legion; assuming you’ll be playing Lux a lot. Sorceress and especially Imperial could be getting a sale soon. Of course, they don’t compare to Steel Legion and if that’s the one you really want then you only need to ask one question: is it worth 975 RP? If you like it that much and will play it a lot then it can be a good investment.
A sale is a tool to save RP but nothing prohibits you from purchasing a skin you really like. You only need to be sure that what you get is worth what you pay.
Are you going to cover the new Sorceress Lux splash (4.13?) I personally really dislike the original splash’s face and I think this resolves it.
Yes we will but due to the amount of splash arts updated, thirty-three, it’ll take a while.
Zero, do you think I should buy the Steel Legion Lux while it is on 50% off? Riot has said they will make a skin for Lux in the future that goes more with her personality instead of her military career, and knowing how they function this sale is probably just a trap to get people to use their money up and then release a new and better skin. I already have Imperial Lux due to a mystery gift, and I overall like Steel Legion except for the heavy armor. It also has a low of features for a 975 RP skin, but I just don’t know if it is worth having two (possibly three in the future) skins for her.
a lot of features* (You should add the option to edit comments I think)
We took a look and didn’t see an option to allow comments to be edited. Apparently we need to install a plugin to allow general users to edit comments. It seems that only logged-on members can edit comments.
The main problem is that we have to be strict with comments due to spam. If we were to allow comment editing then after a comment is approved it could be changed to whatever someone desires and we’ll have to re-check.
There probably are ways around it all and we could get to work on that but for the time being our priorities lay elsewhere. Sorry we can’t be of more help.
How many skins you should have for a champion largely depends on how much you like them. Of course, many are in the position that they get the best skin at a certain moment and then a superior one is released; those are the rules of the game, frankly. In that case, it’s better to decide based on how much you like the skin, how much you play Lux and whether you feel it a significant improvement over the other skins.
In our opinion Steel Legion is a great skin that justifies a purchase even owning the other skins. However, if you don’t play Lux much or you simply don’t appreciate the militaristic theme then it won’t be so appealing. Also consider that even if a new Lux skin is released before the end of the year it won’t go on sale in a good time so that’s a chance to devote play-time to Steel Legion. Assuming that the new skin is good and you like it also.
A way of looking at it could be if Steel Legion is worth 487 RP considering a few things. Will it be used even though you own other skins? Will you still use it if a new skin you like more is released? Do you like it enough to still buy it if the previous questions are answered with a no?
As a fan of Lux, I’ve actually been really disappointed with her skins. Sorcerer looks unappealing to me, both in splash and in game, same with Commando. Imperial I actually like the splash, but the in game just looks so different from it. Spellthief is nice, but I couldn’t see myself using it all that often. Steel Legion is definitely my favorite, but it’s such a stark contrast to Lux’s personality. All in all, I’m actually content to use her base skin over any of her skins.
Still waiting on that ultimate Lux skin.
We agree that Lux’s skins don’t always capture her essence in a satisfactory way. The one’s that fit her the most are simple and, for some reason, she has a rather developed militaristic side. Steel Legion is the most interesting of the ones she currently has. However, we’re still waiting for that special skin that captures the real Lux.
Hi, Zero! As a Lux main since level 6, I was super excited to see the PBE Lux skin Star Guardian, but the concept seems a little not-Lux. That said, it’s only a model viewer and also open to changes possibly. What do you think of it given the one sneak peek we’ve been given so far?
Actually, it might be the skin that Lux has been waiting for so long. Besides her release skins she only has army skins so this could expose her magical side. It seems to be based on the magical girl genre of anime and if done well it could suit Lux quite well. We’ll have to wait and see, best wishes for Lux.
When are you releasing your review for the best skin in the game?
As soon as possible.
Fantastic! Thank you! I only have two comments on your review: 1. Personally, the extra Final Spark particles and sound clearly add to the ability’s (already high) feeling of impactfulness. It definitely feels very satisfying. 2. The new lucent singularity (E) particles add a lot of clarity to the explosion radius. All in all, a great skin, thanks for your review, it was very helpful.
Not at all glad you found it useful.
We didn’t mean that the abilities don’t feel deadly but that they don’t have the explosive feel that other skins display. There’s no doubt that star magic is powerful but not in the same sense as magic is usually interpreted. That definitely adds to the singular style and identity of the skin.
Perhaps we should rewrite some things to make them clearer. We didn’t try to say that star magic isn’t powerful but that it has a different style.
Any quick recommendations on Star Guardian Lux while it is still on sale?
Thanks for all the work too, i never buy a skin without coming here first.
Not at all, glad that you find it useful.
Seems rather nice but we still have to review it. We’ll have it covered before the sale is over.
Are you going to do a skin review of the new Lux skin Star Guardian?
Certainly, we are preparing everything to that end.
Hey Zero,
At first I have to say that I love all your reviews! I always come here before buying a skin.
I really like Lux so I was very happy I got Steel Legion Lux as a present from Riot. I understand why you say this is the recommend skin for Lux. But I’ve always waited for a skin for her magical side. And now here it is: Star Guardian Lux. Well I agree with you they could have made more and her outfit is nothing special. But I think that the skin makes Lux something completely different and I like that. I am a big Anime Fan too. And can you expect any skin for Lux getting more magical? š
I always thought one skin for one champion is enough but this skin makes me wonder…
You gave four stars for 1350rp but how about 975rp? Is it the best option for Lux magical side?
Thank you for all your reviews, you really help me and a lot more people with decisions.
Glad that you find the reviews useful. We put a lot of effort in them.
We certainly agree that Lux’s magical side is the strongest one. From those skins Star Guardian is the best but it’s also the most expensive. If you play Lux a lot and like her magical style best then Star Guardian is the ideal choice. The problem is the price.
You have two options: get it during the release sale or wait until a regular sale. If you get it now then you’ll pay 975 RP but if you wait, perhaps a year, for a regular sale then you’ll pay 675 RP. The difference is 300 RP which equates to around a 520 RP skin on sale: 260 RP.
The real question is if you like Star Guardian enough and would play it enough to justify paying 975 RP now. If you don’t mind the wait you can save some RP but if enjoy LoL mostly thanks to Lux then the expense is more reasonable. It mostly depends how much Lux you’ll play and how much use Star Guardian would get.
If you have many skins and play many champions Star Guardian Lux could get skipped most of the time in favour of other options. If you mostly play Lux and like her most as a magical girl then getting Star Guardian becomes a much more justifiable proposition.
Hey Zero, this is my first time commenting and I had no clue where to post this question, but just like you do with the Harrowing Skins and Team Skins (i.e. SSW), could you make an individual post to sum up all the skins per patch? That would be really helpful.
You can find all the most recent skins in the front page along all the news. A specific page with the most recent skins could be useful but they can already be found in the news section. We’ll think about it, it’s always good to have information well organized so that it’s easier to find.
Hi Zero,
At first I will say that I’m a big fan of your reviews and always check them before making a purchase so keep up on the great work š So I recently found myself playing lux a lot and I already got the star guardian. At the moment ive got exactly 260RP in the bank . Today is the last day of the commando lux I was sale and i was wondering if I should get it since its style is really appealing to me. I wanted to ask you if it’s worth buying the skin or to wait for some harrowing legacy vault sales?
Glad that you like the reviews.
If there were to be any Legacy Vault sales Lux could only offer her Imperial skin. It would be more expensive than 260 RP but it also could be a more interesting military skin for Lux. Commando is a simple skin that ends up more green that anything else. The army style is present but it presents nothing exciting about it. In fact, Sorceress, on sale, would be a better option though the magical girl fantasy competes with Star Guardian.
If you specifically like what Commando has to offer then no other skin will be as green as it is. That is, it’s a very specific aesthetic so if you like it there shouldn’t be any other skins that directly compete with it. Imperial may be a better option but it’s more expensive. The best army skin is certainly Steel Legion. Even with its sci-fi approach it’s a skin that goes an extra step to make the most of its theme.
It depends on what you like from Commando. If it’s just the military angle, there’s better. If it’s the unique Commando style then it has something to offer.
Star Guardian Lux will be on sale soon for 975 rp. Do you think it will be better to get than the Steel Legion skin
Sorry for the late answer, we don’t know how we missed the message.
Star Guardian and Steel Legion are skins different enough that there’s more than a price between them. The radically diverse concepts behind them makes the stands wide apart so it’s more of whether you like a magical girl or a futuristic soldier than how much you want to spend.
Of course, if you can get either of them on sale it’s the preferred way. However, there’s much more to it than money; as it usually is with everything.
Imperial Lux and Amethyst Ashe are both in my Snowdown Shop. I can afford both, but which skin do you recommend?
I like the idea behind Imperial Lux and it’s a legacy skin, but i like Amethyst ashe, too. So what do you suggest? I’d like to hear some thoughts before i make a decision š
It depends a bit on the discounts you are being offered, some are quite good and others are just forgettable. If you want an army skin for Lux the Steel Legion may be the best option; sci-fi and all. Imperial is a nice re-model but only that and for 975 RP is too little. If the price is much lower then it could be an option. It also depends on how much Lux you play. Besides, you may end up prefering Star Guardian or Steel Legion for a similar price.
With regards to Ashe, Amethyst is one of the best skins you can get for her. There’s a lot to like in her eye-catching style so, if you like Ashe, Amethyst is a great choice. It also depends how much Ashe you play versus Lux. You seem to like Amethyst so perhaps that should be your choice. The idea behind Imperial is that of army Lux and that might be better exposed in Steel Legion.
In the end it’s all a matter of taste. However, we think that Amethyst is a skin that offers a lot but Imperial could be better. If Imperial were very cheap it could be tempting but ultimately it could be better to get something you really like instead of something cheap; you’ll just enjoy it more.
Ok, thanks so much! I was gifted the Ahri skin I wanted so I’ll go get the Ashe skin when I get online š
Not at all, hope you enjoy the skins.
Ok, I think I really like Amethyst Ashe because of her re-model and new particles, but my friend says I shouldn’t pass up the chance to go buy a legacy skin when it’s on sale, and even since i won’t be able to get any more RP. So I bought Imperial Lux, and I’m glad that I at least have a skin that I got myself and it’s a legacy. Still love Amethyst Ashe, though, thanks again for your reviews and your thoughts!! ^_^
Not at all, we hope you enjoy the skins.
If you really like Imperial then there’s no reason not to get it; especially on sale. At least once every year retired legacy skins return so it’s not impossible to get them; you just need patience.
Hey Strategy Zero team! In light of the upcoming Star Guardian skins, just wanted to let you know in advance that Star Guardian Lux will receive updated textures and a new homeguard animation, which all Star Guardian skins will get. Just to let you know, I don’t know if this will affect her current score.
Thanks for the notice, it’s good to know the specifics about skin changes. We don’t think that the modifications would improve Star Guardian Lux enough to make it sensibly better; so as to get a better rating. It seems to be a layer of polish to place it in line with the rest of the Star Guardian skins. Not that Star Guardian Lux has a bad rating but we don’t think it’s enough to change it. It would ensure that it doesn’t go down when compared with more recent skins of the same line, though.
Apparently, there is a rumour that there will be an ultimate Lux skin. The guy who said it also predicted this year’s star guardian skins. Elementalist Lux. How do you feel about the concept from the name, Strategy Zero? Also, how do you feel about the star guardian skin (especially Jinx)?
Star Guardian Jinx seems to be worthy of its legendary label. It’s a cohesive adaptation that takes advantage of the new familiars in the actual gameplay; they aren’t just decorative. The other Star Guardians tend to have much more streamlined executions. The adaptation is effective but never goes an extra step to round each skin with a touch of the unique personality that each Star Guardian is supposed to possess.
Elementalist Lux sounds rather vague to draw any concrete information about the concept. It depends on which element the skin is based and how that is exploited in the skin. An ultimate skin needs to have a unique twist that makes it stand apart from all the others. If the skin incorporates a clever and satisfying feature that takes advantage of the concept then it could be a really great ultimate. As always, it depends on how far the developers are willing to go to make the skin stand out. It’s not even a matter of adding more effects or having more changes, though it’ll need a full makeover, but how they are used to present the theme.
From the teaser released, it seems like Elementalist Lux really will be a thing. :O
From what I gathered from the clips, it seems like Lux starts with the what I presume to be the light element (because she’s a light sorcerer after all) and you have to gather more energy by killing enemies (perhaps even minions?) it seems to unlock a new element. After the four basic elements are unlocked, it looks like you can combine two of them to get a new form.
It seems she might also be getting new VO and interactions (apart from particle and model changes with each form).
What do you think about it so far? personally I think that it’s an interesting twist to all the model changing that comes within ultimate skins, not just something that comes from leveling an ability or toggling a the switch (although I think in Sona’s case it’s more of form you like more, or which soundtrack you like better).
We agree, an Ultimate skin needs to experiment with new gameplay elements that add to its personality without obstructing. We’ll have to see how the new resource gathering actually works and how difficult it is to switch forms. The idea is good and while each form is evidently similar to the others they all have their sense of style. The matter is how approachable they really are.
Hey Zero, I was wondering what your thoughts were on the new Elementalist Lux that’s been previewed recently. It seems to be the first skin that’s actually worth the ultimate tier. It matches lux’s theme as a strong mage and is way more interactive than other skins. How do you feel about it?
The feature of changing forms by gathering resources in interesting but we’ll have to see how easy or difficult it is to do either. It’s an optional characteristic but it should be approachable without getting in the way. We like the idea and agree that it’s a good step forward in the realm of ultimate skins. However, we’ll have to see how it really works.
Now that SkinSpotlights has uploaded a video showing all of the details of Elementalist Lux, will that review be coming shortly?
After the skin is released we’ll have a review ready. For now, we need more concrete information about how resources are gathered and how much is needed to change forms. Visually, it’s a skin with shallow variety: there’s a lot of similar form but each with their own style. That’s on what we are focused at the moment.
It seems that Lux will be receiving a brand new ultimate skins “Elementalist Lux” how do you think of the overall skin so far?
Conceptually it’s quite interesting. It adds a new aspect of gameplay that affects her look and sounds. We’ll have to see how the actual change of forms works. The forms are all rather similar but there’s enough difference between them. It’s a skin that surely stands out but the real problem is whether it’s many features are easily approachable.
What do you think about the upcoming ultimate lux skin?
It’s very interesting on paper but we have some doubts about it’s actual implemenation. We need more information about how resources are gathered and used to switch forms. Visually, there’s much variety but differences between forms aren’t deep. Still they communicate their message and the combination aspect can be interesting if it’s actually approachable without interfering with the normal course of a match.
Hey Zero, I already saw your replies to comments asking for your thoughts on the new ultimate Lux skin, so here are mine!
First impression was absolutely astonishing, I almost instantly thought of how it would probably end up with five stars here! Unfortunately, the more I saw, the more issues became evident.
First of all, I think the models are the overall skin’s strongest point. Lux looks quite different yet very familiar in each one, even if they are just changes of clothing, wand and hairstyle. Definitely a powerful comeback for DJ Sona’s lacking and outright sexualized models.
Second, the particles and sounds. They are all great, but a bit uneven, like the E explosion is quite large in Water Form but not that big in some others; and what strikes as probably an unreasonable attempt at “clarity” is the constant presence of a light prison for her Q. Sure there are some of the respective form’s particles inside it, but from afar it is clear that is is the same prison. It’s not always a bad thing, as it blends in well with some forms’ particles, like Mystic, Water and Air. It still leaves you thinking how much better it would have been if each prison was more unique! Plus, her death animation seems to have light in all forms, thought it is understandable since light is the origin of all of them.
Third is the voice. While each form has an appropriately fitting personality for the element, there is also a base personality used when placing wards, buying items, joking/taunting and some others. In most forms, this strikes as standing out in an unnecessary way. We have yet to get an interaction video, but I certainly expect something decent there since Spirit Guard Udyr is currently the only ultimate skin with (few) champion interactions.
Finally, probably my biggest concern. This “minigame” which you use to evolve into other elements from Light seems quite fitting with the thematic of the skin, but seems unnecessarily limited. You only gain power from hitting champions, which can often make the evolution quite slow, and that should not be because you are already limited to three forms per game (one always Light, I overall like this though because it limits your otherwise overwhelming number of options) so you should have the option to move on swiftly enough. My suggestion would be to allow elemental power gain from minion and monster kills as well. That way a passive laning Lux or even a jungle Lux can still properly progress through their well-paid (or gifted, or lotteried) skin. Also, when you do reach enough power to evolve, it would be great to be able to store ‘excess’ power towards the third form, since you might not want to switch immediately, you know? Another thought would be to have the option to go back to a previously unlocked form, perhaps the same way as DJ Sona switches, though maybe that is going to far.
And that’s pretty much my whole review on the skin. Bottom line: Riot might have focused too much on quantity and not enough on quality. The quality is still superb, it’s just not perfect like DJ Sona (whose main fault is the sexualized model, in my opinion) and this is an ultimate skin in 2016 after all. I plan to most definitely get the skin on its early sale, as I have always been patient.
Let me know what you think on these matters! Thanks for reading my rather lengthy review.
You raise some very interesting aspects. There’s certainly an approach that takes quantity over quality and so while differences are present there’s a lot in common between the many forms. We agree that initially the skin gave an first impression that dazzled but when you look closer you can seee that not everything is made of gold despite how much it all glints.
The particles are certainly conforming to the classic design and while they communicate each element’s nature the differences aren’t always significant. For instance, while Final Spark and Light Bingding have nice beams and projectiles Prismatic Barrier and Lucent Singularity are underwhelmingly similar.
The reuse of a core voice-over that is modified per form isn’t surprising. It would be incredibly novel but still too incredible that a skin would have ten unique personalities. If that were the case then the rest of the forms would be more distinct and not look so similar. In other words, it’s a reflection of the general approach to the forms: different but only just enough.
We also have some concerns with the mini-game for changing forms. While the addition is novel and adds to the skin it does seem somewhat limiting. Changing forms seems gated by a barrier that doesn’t entirely depend on the player’s actions. Therefore, one could get locked out of chaning forms if relying on a playstyle that isn’t aggressive enough to be able to gather sufficient resources.
In fact, Elementalist Lux seems like it’s more than it actually is. There’s ample choice in forms but the variety relies too much on the different colours and subtle designs of model and particles. While the skin appears great on paper when it hits reality there’re some relevant issues that stand in the way of the skin realising all its potential. We’ll have to ponder on the skin some more to reach a conclusion on it. Sadly, we agree that the first impression was much better than its lasting appeal.
Thanks for sharing your opinion. You’ve given as some valuable insight on the skin.
Always happy to help.
I found out an hour ago that a change will soon be implemented for Elementalist Lux where she gains elemental power over time, which is very much welcome.
I also was thinking, yes it would be amazing for each form to be more distinct from the others, like animations and voice, but would they not feel a bit too disconnected then? Like 10 different skins all grouped up into one? I like how much the difference is right now, except the little voice issue.
Also, I actually think the W and E particles are very much distinct enough. I really cannot think of a way to make them more unique. Can you?
Resource gain over time will surely help. That way the player should be able to, at least, change once during a match.
Our problem with the forms is that they lack a distinct, identifiable element that you can associate with each. In fact, if you look at the forms you can’t really tell which one is which without help; at least we can’t. Sure, you can get an idea by the colour: fire and magma aren’t going to look too similar to water or air. However, you can’t just look at a form and see clearly what element it is.
Take as an example Spirit Guard Udyr. Without a doubt they reuse the base model but they add unique features that clearly identify each. Not only do the hands change but also the stance, colours and design of the glow. With ten forms drastic changes aren’t as feasible but they don’t have to be that huge. Some small changes to posture, more aggressive for fire and magma, more calm and soothing for air and water.
There should be features that communicate the element clearly. That’s not always the case. While the leaves on the dress of nature help in identifying it doesn’t look to different to fire; if that’s the one to its left on the images available. Others, are so similar looking than we can’t say what element the are: wind, air, storm? Too many are too similar and too few are different yet mostly due to colour.
If you look at Prismatic Barrier’s screenshot. The form on the left has butterflies on the ends of the wand. What if each form showed its element on the wand’s ends? Something similar for Lucent Singularity: what if each form showed its element inside the singularity instead of an unclear glowing particle?
Unclear? They look pretty clear to me, though it’s true that the main distinguishing factor is the particle in the very center. Water form probably has the clearest particles in the entire E zone, while Magma even affects the ground itself. Also, on the W I think it is pretty clear, even if all of them except Mystic feature two orbs that have the form’s element’s color. You can still tell what it is, Nature has small leaves along the path, Water has water faint droplets, Magma has a cloud of ash, Storm’s has lightning bolt-like trails behind the orbs, and so on.
Perhaps it’s us but though we notice some of the elements you mention we see them as subtle at best. At large, the abilities don’t communicate their element without ambiguity. It could be that we still confuse forms, we do see them rather similar, but that wouldn’t happen if there were clear signs that identified each.
It could be something subjective. We see the difference between forms in a comparison side by side. However, by themselves it’s difficult to identify those that look the most alike.Taking one form and trying to say which element it represents, so far, it’s a guess. Being more familiar with the forms we might be able to identify them. Still, the message should be clear enough.
We simply refer ourselves to Spirit Guard Udyr or DJ Sona. Each form has distinct characteristics that set them apart. Take DJ Sona, even though Kinetic and Ethereal share similar colours the waves and designs allow to distinguish between them. With Elementalist Lux we are only able to tell them apart when the different is as radical as Concussion is from the other DJ Sona forms.
Mettaton raised some very interesting and valid points about the skin, but I would just like to chip in and contribute to this insightful discussion. I agree that at first glance, Elementalist Lux is a very appealing and varied skin, although in all honesty after the skin spotlight videos hit I felt a bit disappointed. I don’t mind the accumulation of elemental power through spells – after all, we need to transform in a way that is different from the other ultimate skins. Ultimately, it’s tied both to the new resource and leveling – from all the streams I’ve watched, the passive gain system is such that even a mediocre Lux player will reach his/her first form by level 6 or 7. Thus, experience seems to play a role and I can see the evolutions as quite accessible for most players.
Combining the elements to reach a “final” form sounds fun on paper, but it’s charm quickly wears off as we discovered which combinations trigger these forms. My biggest problem is, really, with the lack of distinction between the different elements and the lack of uniqueness in some of them. Sure, Magma, Mystic and Ice are quite eye-catching, with very distinct and fun personalities, but Dark’s voice lines are a bit cringe-worthy, and Storm is, while cool, visually very similar to air and at first glance it is hard to distinguish between the two. Her base elements, to me, also lack personality. Sure, Nature is wise, Fire is passionate, Air is… flirty? And Water is…. calm? Most of the voicelines have to do with puns on elements-related conditions and jokes, but with a few exceptions they don’t add much to her personality Also, I think her W and E abilities do indicate well which elemental form she is in – to an extent. It’s very uneven – some of the forms have more eye-catching and easy to understand particles, others are much more lackluster (air, I’m looking at you). For me the biggest letdown is really in the ultimate spell – it looks good and distinct on some, but not that great/uniquely elemental on others.
Thus, it feels like the skin really is “10 different dresses, hairstyles and make-up bundle” for Lux. Quantity over quality. I would say individually, each form has the quality of a 1350 or 975 skin (or 750, yes Air), which is nice, and if you think about it each technically costs 325 RP, as its ten skins for 3250. However I feel like it’s too expensive a purchase because the luster and uniqueness of the skin will quickly wear out in my opinion, after you’ve played it for a couple of games. If you get it in Hextech, at a discount, or as a present – sure, great addition to your skin collection, worth it. But at it’s standard price I can see it a justifiable purchase only for very hardcore, dedicated Lux fans.
Last, but not least, it feels a bit weird that the 5 “advanced” forms, which take at least 10 or 11 levels of experience and hitting enemies to achieve, don’t really feel like final forms. They feel different, some very well done, but they tried to make them on par with the base and the first 4 forms. I’m not sure if I exactly like that.
Anyway, good luck reviewing this skin! It seem like a good skin, but not worth more than 3 stars at its standard price, and 2 stars for that 3950 bundle with icons and the ward skin.
We completely agree: Elementalist Lux embraces quantity over quality without doubt. It does seem like the skin has a lot to offer despite how uneven the forms end up being. However, we agree that the superficial approach prevents the potential of each element to be reached. There’s no perceivable sense of progression and it can seem like a pastiche of ten 975 RP skins in one.
On the other hand, it’s a skin that certainly belongs at the ultimate level. It’s well beyond the scope of a legendary skin and the extent of the skin means that there’s a lot of options to choose from. The strength of the skin is on the variety more than the depth. We can agree that a skin with depth can have more meaning but there’s no denying that Elementalist Lux focuses on giving as many options as possible which is an appealing prospect.
We still have to give the final word on the skin. There’s stuff to like but other that surely strikes as needing improvements. The uneven feel of the skin is undeniable but also the multitude of offers. If one compensates for the other and if the skin does, eventually, manage to be better for its strengths despite its weaknesses is a conclusion that won’t be easily reached.
What’s your opinion on the updated splash art of spellthief Lux ?
It’s certainly a huge improvement that captures the skin’s concept much better than the previous one. It keeps the mysterious aspect of the former splash art while adding to the context and offering a much shaper depiction.
Elementalist Lux? I will wait for that.
Once the skin is released we’ll try to have a review ready as soon as possible.
Dear Zero
Thank you for reviewing Elementalist Lux. I do have to admit, I was tempted to buy it but seeing you and Mettaton and Dobyk, you three changed my mind. I wasn’t really much of a big fan with the new changes in the store with ultimates that are not being given a 25%.
It was quantity over quality as your discussion which you summed it up perfectly. To me, its not worth 46$ (AUD. Moved to Australia so that’s why its pretty expensive). I’d rather buy her Star Guardian one because it fits the cheery nature of her than this one. I have also some doubts whether or not I would use the other forms. The Dark form is by far for me, the best looking one. If I do use only that form and get bored with it..then I could’ve bought something else.
Thanks for the review and I do hope you keep on continuing with reviews.
PS: With the Pre-release trailer for Santa Braum, do you think its worth the full price?
Not at all, we are glad the review was useful. Indeed, we appreciate the opinion of others because the discussion helped quench the great first impression that the skin gave. While it did seem too good to be true we have to admit that one tends to give the benefit of the doubt to such a skin. After all, if they are charging so much for it it has to be good. In the end, it is good but just that.
We agree that getting Star Guardian Lux would allow for a skin that it’s on par with the quality of any of the forms, at least, while also being a great fit for Lux’s personality. We should add that we think that the Star Guardian identity is well developed within the confines of the price tier. It stands out by reinterpreting the core with a suitable magical girl angle. If you get it on sale then it’ll be only a small fraction of the cost of Elementalist Lux which is a lot in any region; truth be told.
At any rate, Elementalist Lux may be worth considering when it finally reaches an early sale. The price will still be high but a bit more palatable that it is now. The only difference is that the Elementalist Icon and the Elemental Origin Border for the loading screen won’t be available but in-game that’s completely irrelevant; which is where the skin has to shine.
Moving on to more seasonal topics. The impression we get from Santa Braum is that of a costume that at best tries to be funny. There’s a slight and blatantly ignored angle of wrestler in the skin which would’ve helped define a more interesting and less restricted identity for the skin.
Sadly, that’s completely unexplored with the skin instead prefering to adapt everything with Christmas iconography without delving beyond the surface. In consequence, if you are only looking for a simple but perhaps funny Santa costume for Braum then the skin delivers. However, if more is expected, and at its price tier it should be, then the skin disappoints.
I was pleasantly surprised to see the review so soon. As expected it is quite well done. Personally I would have perhaps gave the skin four stars, but three is quite understandable considering the lack of focus on quality. Perhaps the fifth ultimate skin will actually embrace both quality AND quantity! I mean, when I first saw the Lux skin I thought it would take a (currently) impossible lot of twists to surpass this, but now I know that’s far from the case.
While I was planning to get the skin on its early sale, one very, very, very precious friend of mine surprised me with a fabulous early Christmas present! I’ve been loving the skin despite its shortcomings, and have had some thoughts on the bundle, which would cost me exactly 700 RP now for the Ward skin and remaining 5 icons. I mainly want the Ice and Dark icons because they are so beautiful, the ward skin itself seems to be very underwhelming if you’re not playing with the skin. I remember they said it would have the Light particles by default but it seems to have no particles if you’re not Elementalist Lux. As efficient as the deal is (if you count each icon costing 250 regularly) I will most likely skip.
Oh, and in the review you were wrong about one thing. In the splash art section you said there were no references to any forms except Light, but the glass stained window tries to give an overly subtle hint at them. You can see Mystic’s symbol at the left and Ice’s symbol at the bottom. The fact that the rest of the glass is hidden or out of the picture is rather disappointing…
Glad that you like the review. It took quite a lot of work, especially to fight the great first impression that the skin gives. However, the more we delved into the skin the clearer that the uneven and shallow approach of the execution became. We considered giving the skin four stars but issues do add up and the final result, while distinct in its variety, isn’t really up to the standard of a great ultimate skin.
We are glad that you are enjoying the skin: there’s certainly a lot to like. The skin has some attractive features but when all is added together the sum of its parts can’t raise to the high points it can exhibit. Regardless, we agree that it’s a worthwhile skin for fans of Lux’s sorceress side. We aren’t fans of icons but the Elementalist Ward seems like a good, albeit expensive, accompaniment for the skin. It could be more valuable for other skins as well, though.
Another review, another mistake: it’s a mantra by now. Thanks for pointing it out. The reference to her forms, which is actually the main feature of the skin, is so subtle that we simply didn’t notice it. Surely the splash art should’ve made a big deal of it and yet it seems like Light Lux is the only thing that matters.
Even if the splash art is trying not to spoil the surprise more could’ve been added and in this day and age spoilers are difficult to evade. At any rate, something more meaningful could’ve been depicted than Lux posing in a cathedral. It didn’t even have to be explicit about the forms simply give some relevance to the other elements. There’s so much more within reach. Sadly, it’s a remarkably simple splash art for an ultimate skin.
I think, with what we have now at least, the following could have been done: The light that looks to be orbiting Lux’s figure could have been made to briefly change to represent a specific element once every ~5 seconds. Of course, that would have only been possible in the animated version of the splash art. Some extremely wishful thinking I had was this splash art being accompanied by a separate shared splash art for her first four forms – Water, Fire, Nature and Air, another shared splash art for her four evolved versions of those forms – Ice, Magma, Mystic and Storm (in both shared arts each form being separated in its own rectangle by vertical lines), and a single splash art for Dark form, sort of an opposite of Light form’s art with Lux in a similar pose but in a much darker and gothic cathedral, maybe even positioned to the left.
The most realistic idea I have would have been for this splash art to contain nine small elemental gems or something around her, maybe in place of that ring of light.
The idea of a shared splash art for her ten forms would’ve made sense; we are talking about an ultimate skin after all. Being more realistic, as you say, we agree that orbiting elements around Lux, perhaps in a way that she’s choosing one, would’ve made the forms present without being fully explicit and keeping what’s present. There could even be references to the possible combinations of elements. More than that it might be to be pushing it.
It’s surprising that with so much space dedicated to the setting the background does practically nothing with regards to the other forms. It should help give context to the portrayal and not taking advantage of it to make the presence of the elements clear seems like a waste. In fact, it’s such an unassuming splash art that it’s surprising that nobody had any objection in releasing it for an ultimate skin.
Even as it is, they could add something to make the elements relevant. However, that’s more wishful thinking. Unless Lux receives extra work in splash arts it won’t probably happen. Even then, as a new splash art it would probably be kept as is. What a letdown.
If you were able to give Magma a different name, could you think of any? Even before I saw trailers and skin spotlights, I do agree that Magma is just way too similar to fire. One could argue ice is just frozen water, but ice has a different feel to it, it’s quite obvious. I also agree on how the ultimates are a bit too similar personally i can’t tell the difference between the blue ones, and I can’t tell which one is supposed to be Light. I think in one there might be lightning effects, but it’s unclear.
I do think that the idea of changing forms is really neat, and different from DJ Sona’s which is interesting. I remember you saying in the other review how you wished DJ Sona had more harmony within her DJ skins and I think Riot kind of managed to pull that off a bit. You could still choose what element you wanted, but you had to work towards it and such instead of /toggle.
I remember reading somewhere how Mystic’s element wasn’t too clear at first, but I don’t know where. Since it’s very pixie influenced, and requires a combination from Nature, I think it’s a reference to mystical elements in fairy tales and how forests are a common place for them.
Also a small note, I think in one of the screen shot things showing the Final Sparks, you have two of the exact same Lux. I can’t tell which Lux element it is, but it’s the bottom left one and the second one on the left. So if you numbered the ones on the left column top to bottom, it’s 2 and 5.
(I also made a similar note on your Sona skin review for her DJ skin, there was two of the same picture for her red form. I hope you didn’t mind me picking these things out, but I wanted to analyse those skins more š )
The way we see it, Magma should eschew any flames and go all lava. After all, that’s exactly the form’s element. As it stands, it’s a darker fire with more ash. If the form actually showed lava, part liquid and part burning, it would stand apart from both Fire and Water; because of the liquid feel.
However, the implementation, more than the concept, ends up leaving Fire and Magma too similar. We agree that the same applies to others. A few stand out, for instance Storm with all its electric arcs, but for the most part the abilities rely too much on the same beams and swirls of magic. Therefore, they mesh into each other and end up indistinguishable from each other.
It’s true that the changing of forms is a more organic part of the Elementalist Lux unlike DJ Sona. Sadly, the different forms don’t have the more eloquent differences that DJ Sona has. Everything is unclear, like Mystic’s element. We understand that it could reference the magical part of the forest but what’s the actual element?
Elementalist means that the skin is based on elements and not even Nature is clear about it; only some extra leaves. Perhaps Wood as an element and then a combination with something magical could explain it better. Regardless, it’s the simpler elements that work the best: water, ice, electricity. When a form aims for something more elaborate it tends to rely on magic and so similar to the other elements.
You’re right, we have two Final Sparks for Air and none for Water. It’s all so similar that they end up all looking the same. We’ll fix it so that the screenshot can be comprehensive about the ultimate. Thanks for the notice, help is appreciated to fix the unavoidable mistakes that always creep up on reviews.
Yeah, that’s what I think, too! Technically speaking, it could have been “Lava” instead of “Magma” because Magma is basically lava that wasn’t gone above the earth’s surface, but I guess Magma sounded cooler. I think the easiest to tell are maybe Mystic and Dark? They’re both kind of purpleish-pink, and there are butterflies around Mystic’s beam, i’m pretty sure.
I think nature is supposed to mean anything that involves plant growth and the such, hence the leaves, but I feel like they could maybe have brought that across more? Maybe have vines shoot out and swirl along the beam? If they had done more with her snare, they could have had vines shoot out from the ground as well. Maybe add some more leafy stuff to her shield?
Perhaps Mystic is supposed to be Psychic power in general, the element of just raw energy instead of using an existing form like fire or water. Maybe mystic also felt like a cooler name? If they left it Psychic, I feel like it would have ended up too similar to Star Guardian. I can feel like Mystic was planned to be Psychic-orientated somehow.
You’re very welcome. I love your skin reviews so I do try to help as much as I can whenever I find something. š
Glad that you like the reviews, we’re certainly grateful for your help.
You’re right, we agree that there were many changes that could’ve been incorporated to break the reused mold of beams and swirls of coloured magic. Indeed, having tendrils and vines for Nature would’ve made the element much more interesting. It’s something similar to using a quasi-liquid lava for Magma instead of darker fire. The element should be clearly displayed so that the form has a distinct style.
We still don’t know what Mystic is really about. After all, it’s the usual coloured magic surrounded by butterflies. Psychic power could’ve been an angle to follow but we remain puzzled about it. If we are right, then Mystic is Nature plus Water which would generate something water related in nature. Perhaps going for aquatic life would made some sense or characteristics from its flora and fauna.
Truth be told, Nature is a problematic element because it’s not really a classic element. In Chinese philosophy wood is an element and another is metal. Perhaps they could’ve used that angle instead. For instance, metal and water would generate rust which would be associated with decay. It’s only an idea but there’s room to explore.
There’re others unexplored opposites that could’ve been used instead of Dark and Mystic. For instance: Fire and Water make Geysers or Vapour, Nature and Air make Tornadoes or Hurricanes also Water and Air could make Fog or Erosion. The idea being more powerful, evolved forms that incorporate characteristics of both elements. It’s easy to make wild guesses in some cases. Still we agree that there’re forms that really need extra work. In many cases colour is the biggest feature that sets a form apart.
I think a Steel sort of element would have been much more interesting than Mystic in my opinion, but although one could say she already has a lot of militaristic skins with steel influence, another could say she has a lot of magical skins which could be associated with Mystic.
Nature + Water could also perhaps made a swamp variation? If the conditions were right, you could get a swamp in reality, so that could have been a possibility. I don’t know how they would have been able to enforce that, since again it seems too similar to Nature.
I also think if we had to give up an element, it would be Mystic. Sure, I have nothing against the butterflies or anything, but it doesn’t seem to mesh with the skin story itself, or really represent any element at all, even if it were influenced by other things. Dark is an element which I feel like should basically *have* to exist in a way; if she starts as light, why not have the opposite side of the coin? There were lots of ideas for Dark-based skins for Lux, even most of the other elements before Elementalist Lux would have been announced.
Lux skins can be practically divided in two categories: sorceress and soldier. Perhaps a little mix between the two would be something different because each skin rigidly fits into only one category.
A swamp variation sounds interesting with mud being the main element to hinder movement and also as a blunt, burst of damage. We didn’t think about it but it’s a natural choice considering both elements. It’s strange that there’s no earth element given that interpretation of Nature. As one of the classic elements it seems like a peculiar omission. It’s not as if the skin is trying to innovate in all its elements to as to avoid it.
We agree that with Light being the base of Elementalist Lux Dark should stay. Our problem is that there are other combinations that are taken up by Dark even though they would’ve made for interesting forms. It has to be admitted that the forms are rather superficial so there could’ve been a few more. At any rate, having earth as an element could’ve helped by adding Swamp or Mud insted of Mystic. Earth and Fire also nicely combine into Magma so that wouldn’t need to be changed.
Perhaps Air and Earth could generate an avalanche of something of the kind. It could combine earthquakes with cyclones and tornadoes for example. It goes to show about the implemenation of a skin when it’s more interesting to theorise of possible combinations that enjoy the ones already present.
(the reply button disappeared!! XD)
I agree; it doesn’t have to be a full-on metal suit, I feel like that would hinder movement naturally. It would look too strange for a mix between magic and solider. Perhaps somehow instead of Water + Nature it could incorporate fire instead so that the abilities would feel like rapidly cooling metal or such.
Fire + water is a very interesting combination, but I don’t see how it could make up for dark. There’s another way to get dark (maybe air + nature?) but that way doesn’t make sense either. I guess it all comes from trying to take a new approach to Lux while keeping her grounded in some sort of realism so it would make sense in the game.
Strange, the end of the year approaches and nobody wants to work. We’ll track down the button and put it in its place.
That aside we have checked the site and it seems to be working. Perhaps that page didn’t load properly or there’s some incompatibility problem with the browser. With the couple we checked it works but there’s a varied array of choice so we can’t discard anything.
A sort of forge or welding of metal could work. That’s a fine idea. Adding just a couple of unorthodox elements already provides with a lot of new land to explore. It’s strange that Riot either didn’t consider or discarded such an angle. For an ultimate skin they should’ve tried to choose the path that gave them the most variety if they were to focus on quantity; which still would offer some nice quality.
Perhaps it’s not a matter of making up for Dark because it’s a form that makes sense and would be the culmination of her evolution. Dark could be a third, optional transformation that finalises her trajectory through the various elements. In fact, there could be a few other third transormations of which Dark could be the main one but the others could be alternatives to the clear opposition that it makes with her initial Light form.
Indeed, a different approach to the use of elements and their applications to the different forms could yield big gains. Sadly, it’s too late for that now; at least for Lux. There’s always the hope that special skins, at least, could receive additional support to fix issues and improve them where appropriate. It hans’t happened but perhaps Riot should start thinking about quality more than quantity. Given the size of the skin pool, it could very well be a choice that could pay well in the end.
It seemed to only be for that thread, but there’s no harm done. š
That’s very true; with all the steel/soldier based skins she she has, why not make an element for that? It’s a lot more obvious and clearer than Mystic in terms of what the element actually is and it combines both of her skin line themes into one.
Perhaps maybe in the future they’ll make a patch to release a third evolution line, or maybe even just take the fusion idea and make a separate skin for her, Steel Magic or something. I doubt it will be any time next year since she just received her ultimate. But there’s always hope. ^ J^
Strange indeed.
Exactly, as an ultimate skin Elementalist Lux could, perhaps should, reflect boh of her sides: her sorceress and also her militaristic life.
We can only hope, that’s too right. There’s ample potential to make interesting explorations on the paths not taken with Elementalist Lux. Perhaps a legendary with only a few but well developed forms that complements Elementalist. If Elementalist takes on the classic elements then the legendary could explore other less commonly used elements. We can but hope.
I know what happened to the button. You can’t reply to zero’s comment because it is a reply of a reply of a reply… it reached the limit, so it doesn’t let you reply.
That’s true, there’s a limit to how deep the chain of responses can go. At least it’s possible to keep answering at the deeper comment and the conversation still has some sense.
Has anyone realized that the ultimate skins are just missing a top lane to make a complete team? Sona sup, ezreal adc, udyr jg and lux mid. So, the next ultimate is probably for a top right?
It’s possible if Riot decided that they want to sell and ultimate team of skins. Depends on what they have in mind for the next ultimate. In theory, they are to choose good ideas for a suitable champion. On the other hand, whoever still remains in League that cares is still waiting for Dragon Master Swain. It once was mentioned to be a legendary skin and then there was talk of it becoming ultimate. Nevertheless, there are many other examples of skins rumoured to be in development that, in practice, are nowhere to be seen.
Perhaps there would be a great array of ultimate skins in the future and a major focus on what people actually ask for than in the past. Maybe they should if the don’t want the competition, like Blizzard, to snatch players from League. They may not care due to the ridiculous numbers that League has boasted about in the past. Still, we are sure that they aren’t what they used to be.
We deralied, but what we mean is that nobody can really tell what Riot has in mind; perhaps they even don’t know what they want to do in the future. It’s a possibility that the team will be completed but they may also ignore it in favour of a good concept or something already in the pipeline. Anything’s possible these days; which doesn’t always sound as exciting as it should.
Hey, it’s approaching 4-6 months after Elementalist Lux has been out. Do you think it will be worth it to catch the skin on an early sale? I feel hesitant to buy the skin at the full price as it is now, but at 2450 RP I’m truly tempted to buy it. Your thoughts?
Without a doubt, the best time to get Elementalist Lux is during the early sale. It’ll still be an expensive skin so the discount, albeit small, helps in every regard. Sadly, the skin didn’t live up to the expectations of the ultimate label but it’s unique in its own way. For fans of Lux we do think it’s worth considering and the early sale only helps make one of its main issues less pronounced; though still relevant.
Spell thief lux has a new splash art. Which definitely looks better.
We are aware, we’ll try to update the splash arts but there are a lot of them. Sorry for the inconvenience.
So I recently got an Elementalist Lux shard from a chest and I was super excited!! An Ultimate skin without paying any real money? The luck is on my side!
So you probably remember me from asking about Imperial Lux and Amethyst Ashe: but now I have a new question. I still have some refund tokens left, and I’m considering refunding Imperial Lux to get my RP back and save it until a nice skin goes on sale again.
I didn’t want to make any hasty decisions, so I wanted to ask you! I already own Star Guardian from when I opened it from the PROJECT event, and since then, I don’t recall ever using Imperial again.I understand that Elementalist is rated only 3 stars and other skins carry out better than Elementalist does, but I can’t pass up the chance to get it because it’s in shard form. I’m worried about not using Star Guardian again because Elementalist is an ultimate skin, and everyone likes to show off cool skins like it, but I don’t regret unlocking it.
So in your opinion, should I refund Imperial Lux to use the RP for some other skin that goes on sale? Or should I keep it simply because it’s a legacy skin and not everyone has it?
Firstly, Elementalist Lux is an attractive skin but it doesn’t feel that ultimate. There’s a lot of good stuff but it doesn’t come together to really represent what it tries to. Specifically, most forms look to similar to each other. Of course, being able to craft it is a great stroke of luck that shouldn’t be ignored. Without a doubt, crafting Elementalist Lux is a good idea.
Secondly, while there are some points in common Star Guardian is different enough from Elmentalist. We don’t think that the latter with obsolete the other. The concepts are different and the implementations have different focus so that they each have their own role in Lux’s wardrobe.
That also extends to Imperial. At any rate, Imperial competes more with Steel Legion though it isn’t futuristic in nature. Imperial is certinaly on the simple side of things as a re-model. Regardless, it does have its charm so the real question is: do you still like Imperial? If you don’t then you may consider refunding it; be aware that refund tokens are a precious resource. However, if you still like the skin, even if not as much as the best ones, you will find he opportunity to play with it. After all, it’s unique in its own way.
Another way of looking at it is if you want to use the RP to get something else that you like more. In that case you could consider a refund. Again, it’s a practice that can only be done a limited number of times so you’ll have to be sure that it’s worth it. If you are sure that you won’t play Imperial again and there are other skins that you like more then it’s an option. As said, if you like Imperial you will find the chance to play it. Eventually, even Elementalist and Star Guardian will ask for some variation if you play them enough and Imperial will be there ready to step in as an alternative.
It also depends on how much Lux you play. If you play her often then having a varied wardrobe for Lux makes sense. The less you play her the less skins you may need; provided that you keep playing her less. In the end it’s all a matter of what you like and what you want out of the resources you have available. Do keep in mind that resources used may not be available in the future in case they are necessary. Think it well and be sure not to regret doing or not doing something; as in most things in life.
Hmm, well, I do play a moderate amount of Lux, and more of her recently because I’ve been trying to grab more chests for the essence.
I don’t see them trying to add anything more to Imperial, like particles or updating the look. I feel like there wasn’t anything special about it to make it “legacy” (However I could be wrong because by the time I started playing, it was already in the legacy vault).
At the same time I haven’t even seen one other person use this skin. I always find myself surprised when I see someone using a skin I didn’t know existed, whether it was legacy or not.
I’ll consider everything you said and think over this more. Thanks for helping me out!
Not at all. Unless a visual upgrade comes then Imperial Lux is bound to stay the same. Even in that case it’s highly probable that the model will be updated and nothing extra added. For what it is, it’s a good re-model. There are better skins but it has its identity. Weighting how much you like the skin and the potential use that the RP and token have you may reach a conclusion.
Thanks so much for answering, I really appreciate it! Right now I’m leaning towards refunding Imperial Lux, but I want to think it through a little more. After all, there are quite a few legacy skins out there that have something that makes it special (new particles, nice models, etc.). I have a feeling that Riot won’t try to update Imperial Lux in any way, so maybe it would be worth it. ^^’
I know I post a lot, but I hope you don’t mind me asking all these skins questions. On a side note, I own both Orianna and Lulu, and I’ve been wanting a Winter Wonder skin because the poros are really cute! I’m still learning how to play Orianna, so I’m not very good at her, and I need to play Lulu more often because I was told I was good at playing her. In your opinion, between WW Orianna and WW Lulu, which do you think is the better option? They’re both legacy skins (with something new to offer!) but I’ve had WW Lulu show up in my personal shop a few times for great offers.
In my opinion, I really love the ball design, and the recall for Orianna. However, I think her face and hair on the model is just a little weird. I wish there were snowflake designs around the shield when the Ball does the Protect animation, but if there are, I probably just missed it.
On the other hand, WW Lulu’s Poro is reminiscent of the original poros that graced the Rift and Howling Abyss before they got a makeover, which I think is nice. Her face does look a little bit dark, though – as a whole, the skin is a little dark. However, this could be because it’s an older skin. I don’t know if it’s been updated or anything; the Skin Spotlight video I watched was with the older Summoner’s Rift.
Overall, I think that WW Orianna is light and whimsical, and I think she could use a little cleaning up on her particles, since they don’t really pop as much as Lulu’s does. The tones of blue on her outfit and hat are a little homogeneous and it could use a little mix up. But it does sit at a much lower price, which is good, because it could go at a great discount if it were to show in my Shop.
Lulu’s particles really stand out and I love the shield that Poro Pix gives (it looks like a little snow globe!!). The original poro is a nice reminder of the early days of League, although it could use some minor sizing adjustments to its body and wings. However, it is a little dark-looking and Lulu looks kind of angry sometimes instead playful – Wicked and Bittersweet already deliver fantastic, darker themes, and I feel like WW should have been more on the side of fun and cheerful. It is more expensive, so I would have to hope for a really amazing price discount so I could save RP.
That was really lengthy, but I do hope that once I acquire more RP, I can make the right choice with your advice!
Not at all, we are glad to be of help.
It’s true that many old skins don’t get anything added. It’s also true that sometimes one gets lucky. After all Giant Enemy Crabgot got new blue particles. Of course, it’s no legacy skin so it makes sense to update a skin that is regularly sold. Besides, Urgot doesn’t have many to start with. Butcher, for instance, didn’t get as good a treatment as Crabgot; though it isn’t bad in comparison to how it was.
We agree that Winter Wonder Orianna is a good skin but that could do with some extra work to really stand out. It has some nice features but it doesn’t really impress. Winter Wonder Lulu is more consistent and while the colour palette is a tad dark we don’t find the skin actually dark. The style is good but, given the price tier, it would’ve welcomed something extra to make it special.
Something to note: Winter Wonder Orianna’s poros, on the recall at least, were updated with a new look. While nothing’s been said about WW Lulu it’s possible that she could receive an update in poro looks. If that’s a significant feature of the skin that you like be mindful that there exists the possibility, we don’t know for certain, that it could be changed. Something to keep in mind.
Back to the skins, we’d say tha both WW Orianna and Lulu have their good and less good aspects and the they balance well enough in the end yet they could be better. We don’t see one as being easily superior to the other. However, it should be noted that both champions have other, potentially more interesting skins.
If you like WW Orianna for being light and whimsical then Heartseeker could be an alternative to take into account. Sadly, it’s a legacy skin as well and it could be more appealing with more work put into it. Dark Star Orianna is, arguably the most elaborate and interesting but it stands at the opposite of what you look for. Sewn Chaos is a very nice skin but a modest re-model. Still, these last two skins have the advantage of being elligible for regular sales.
If you like WW Lulu because it shows her mischief then you may want to consider Pool Party. It’s a skin that captures a portion of the childish delight for the sea. It’s not perfect but it’s quite appealing and can be got on sale. As you mention, there’s also the re-models, Bittersweet and Wicked, which are modest in comparison but attractive nonetheless.
If we centre on the Winter Wonder skins. Perhaps Lulu’s manages to convey what you look for in the skin better than Orianna. It’s not by a huge margin so there won’t be any tell tale signs. It’s a feel that you may not agree with. Besides, the price shouldn’t be ignored when both skins are so equal in their feel.
At any rate, there’s no need to rush. Think it all well, check more videos, more recent also, to see the skin’s in their updated style before you make a decision. They main point is that whatever you do you enjoy and don’t regret.
Thanks so much again for such a detailed reply! Orianna is a fun champion to learn, so I’ll be sure to consider how much I will end up playing her in the future. Maybe if I get lucky, I’ll open a skin shard in a chest, or get Mystery gifted one?
I do hope they give WW Lulu an update; even if they update the Poro looks, I won’t mind, but the skin would likely get a smoother feel to it.
As for the other skins, I think the swirling of Orianna’s “skirt” on her Dark Star skin is a little strange, but I’m sure with time I could get used to it. It definitely was portrayed amazingly in the splash art. Unfortunately, I’m not for her Heartseeker skin, but I do like the look of the particles and how clear they are. ^^’ The splash art is nice, though, and I think they gave it a nice touch and represented how Classic Orianna was putting her Heartseeker self on top of the cake as a topper.
I agree PP Lulu is an adorable skin, and having Pix as a pufferfish made it all better. Before PP was released I always wanted WW or Dragon Tamer, but I’m not a huge fan of Lulu’s model on DT, and Pix seems more like a little demon instead of a dragon, in my opinion. However, I do love the purple on her abilities. I feel like the particles on a lot of her skins are very clear and they really stand out.
I will definitely consider my choices for Orianna and Lulu, and I have a feeling I’ll be refunding Imperial Lux, but I’ll give it more time. Besides, I might not end up getting a skin for Orianna if I end up not playing enough – I’m waiting for God-Pharaoh Aurelion Sol, because Sol reminds me a lot of Nicol Bolas from Magic: the Gathering.
Thanks so much for your help again!
We agree in most of what you say. In the end, try to get the skin that you like the most; regardless of rating or popularity. There’s a bit of Nicol in Aurelion Sol and, for the most part, in the majority of modern dragons. There seems to be an accepted style for dragons nowadays. Nicol has a more fatnasy feel though. Sol seems to rely on an astral-reptile style that is dragon enough but not in the modern classic sense. Neither has anything to do with the good, old Nicol though; that’s something from antique times.
Hello again, Zero!
I happened to come across an interesting thread on the boards that talks about Elementalist Lux and her splash it it reminded me of your skin review on Lux. I think it’s rather interesting because it allows for one to analyse the splash more closely. While I do agree that the artists could have done more to reference the nine other forms in the stained glass, I think that what they had in mind was actually very clever. Don’t get me wrong, I think the splash is very well done, but since the close analysis of the splash, I think they could have tried more to make the idea more clarified.
We understand that there’s only so much in a splash art to show things. However, if we look at the background we see that there’s a lot that is, in practice, empty. It’s devoid of meaningful elements and simply fills space. What if her reflection on the stained glass window caused by the light of her wand showed the multiple transformations? How about shadows that showed the silhouette of each? There are so many possibilities. Instead, we only get a few icons on some window panes; the window isn’t even fully shown.
It’s an ultimate skin so the splash art has to be in the same level. Frankly, we expected much more, something much better, from Elementalist Lux. At least, the skin does have a nice gameplay element that sets it apart.
I bought Elementalist Lux kind of late (and so I wasn’t able to get the Elemental Origin Border ; ^ ; , kinda sad about that)
I also agree that building up elemental power seems kind of tedious as different in-game factors could hinder you from transforming into another form.
It’s not actually the # of spells, but about time. And it’s kind of tiring going through games and having early surrenders when it’s estimated to hit 2nd form at about nearly 19-20 mins
We don’t see much value in loading screen borders or any other stuff that doesn’t have a relevant impact in-game. We understand that it’s something but the skin functions exactly the same without those extras. In fact, they seldom matter much besides some little time when they are visible out of the game.
Considering that not all game modes last the same amount of time. Besides, if it were based on the number of spells you still have cooldowns to restrict you therefore meaning that time is the real limiter. We completely agree. Elementalist Lux was coded to work on Summoner’s Rift and not adapted to work well in faster modes. It’s a nice skin but the transformation game needs to be balanced like any other aspect of a match.
It doesn’t surprise, knowing Riot’s obsession with SR as the true way to play League, that other modes are relegated. Actually, there are even issues within SR as you point out. However, it does disappoint and certainly doesn’t help neither skin nor the reputation of Riot as player focused. In the end, it’s the little things that mean the most.
Regardless of how much explanation they offer with their development articles Riot should start focusing on what people ask for. URF as a permanent mode is one example. This is another. The advantages of doing so are clear: players are happy and everybody wins. We just don’t understand why oversights like this keep popping up.
Thanks for the informative link, it’s good to know how things stand.
Hi! Is lunar empress lux going to be reviewed anytime soon?
Once it’s released we’ll review the skin.
Hello again, Zero! š I have a friend that plays Lux, do you think giving her Lunar Empress Lux is a great choice? (She likes the puppers in the recall and Lux’s outfit)
Hello. As we see Lunar Empress Lux, she seems to be a stylised fire-form from Elementalist Lux. In fact, the base is quite noticeable in the design. It’s a nice skin especially as a budget Elementalist. However, if she owns Elementalist, it depends whether she would appreciate an extra form she can select individually. There are a few things to like but we see the result as more shallow that it should’ve been.
LE Lux chroma, which ones better?
As we noted in the Lunar Revel overview they are similar with the change of colour being the most salient feature. There are other changes but aren’t significant enough. We’d say that it’s a matter of which colour you like the most.
Hi Zero, it’s me again!
So I’ve finally obtained the essence needed to unlock Elementalist Lux. I also decided to treat myself and got a $10 RP card. The Master Edition bundle is available to me: Since I already own both skin and champion, it will unlock more icons and a ward skin. Do you think it is worth 700 RP or should I save my RP for whatever skin i want wwhen it goes on sale?
Hello again.
Depends on how much value you put on the icons and the ward skin. Some things to consider, you can only use one icon in your profile so, which one do you like the most? If it’s one from the Master Edition, is it so much better to an icon that already comes with Elementalist Lux?
Do you play in modes that often use wards? Do you like the ward skin? Would it see a lot of use or only ocassional? The truth is that there’s some value to the Master Edition but only if the icons and ward skin are to be used. The skin is what you really one and the rest are extras. As such, they should be given the importance they have: secondary at best.
In our opinion, it’s better to use the RP in another skin. You can use those 700 RP in 1350 RP skin on sale; 675 RP. There are a few good ones and also cheaper skins. You can even keep the RP and add it to another eventual card to get something else. The question is what you want out of your money. If Elementalist Lux is the star then concentrate on it.
Hope you enjoy the skin.
Thank you for your opinion! I’ms only really interested in the Dark Icon and while I admit thet ward skin is pretty, I have a few others i got from loot box drops. You’re right, saaving my RP for a skin sale is the best way to go.
Not at all, glad to be of help. Hope you get the most out of your purchase.
i know that they just released but i just wonder if there will be a review on battle academia lux and the prestige one?
i think they are kinda cute but like i probably got like 70 IQ so i donĀ“t really know
(and sorry if iĀ“m that dumb that i didnĀ“t see that there already is one because that just feels like that it gonna happend
We’ll do so, eventually. We are delayed with reviews but if you have any specific questions we’ll answer gladly.
Don’t worry about asking questions, we are glad to help. After all, questions are the way to learn.