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Last Day of Bloodstone Taric, Pentakill Yorick and Full Metal Pantheon Skin Sale – StrategyZero
Aug 242012

Today, 24th of August, finishes the Bloodstone Taric, Pentakill Yorick and Full Metal Pantheon skin sale. If you are interested in any of these skins don’t miss this chance to get them at 50% less. Tomorrow they will return to their habitual price so visit the store before the sale finishes at the end of the day.

Bloodstone Taric
Bloodstone Taric Splash Art Bloodstone Taric Model
975 -> 487 RP
Pentakill Yorick
Pentakill Yorick Splash Art Pentakill Yorick Model
975 -> 487 RP
Full Metal Pantheon
Full Metal Pantheon Splash Art Full Metal Pantheon Model
975 -> 487 RP

Additionally, there’s also a 50% champion sale on Taric, Ezreal and Trundle. Don’t miss this chance to complete your champion roster.

Ezreal Splash Art
975 -> 487 RP
Taric Trundle
Taric Splash Art Trundle Splash Art
975 -> 487 RP 975 -> 487 RP

Source: League of Legends News: Lord Darius Demands New Recruits

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