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Last Day of Bladecraft Orianna, Defender Leona and Asylum Shaco Skin Sale – StrategyZero
Oct 082012

Today, 8th of October, finishes the Bladecraft Orianna, Defender Leona and Asylum Shaco skin sale. If you are interested in any of these skins don’t miss this chance to get them at 50% less. Tomorrow they will return to their habitual price so visit the store before the sale finishes at the end of the day.

Bladecraft Orianna Splash Art Bladecraft Orianna Model
975 -> 487 RP

Bladecraft Orianna turns the Lady of Clockwork into a menacing yet appealing gynoid. The combination of blades and leather provide a distinct look that fits both Orianna and the battlefield. In addition to this, the ball receives a new design decorated with engravings and matching jer style. Fans of Orianna will find this a very good addition to her wardrobe.

Defender Leona Splash Art Defender Leona Model
975 -> 487 RP

For a protector heavy armour and a massive shield are more a necessity than a luxury. Defender Leona gives her believable battle-hardened equipment that leaves little doubt about her dedication and effectiveness. It’s a great looking skin that matches Leona’s spirit and will appeal to anyone that fancies a reasonably armoured lady.

Asylum Shaco Splash Art Asylum Shaco Model
975 -> 487 RP

Where’s the straitjacket? Yes, Shaco took it but forgot to take his sanity with him again. Nevermind, at least he won’t get cold backstabing people. Besides, this skin is perfect for looking classy will leaving dead bodies behind: part buffoon, part restrained lunatic and all Shaco. Demon Jester followers, grab your straitjackets and hallucinate with Asylum Shaco; you won’t be deceived.

Additionally, there’s also a 50% champion sale on Gangplank, Udyr and Karma. Don’t miss this chance to complete your champion roster.

Karma Splash Art
975 -> 487 RP
Gangplank Udyr
Gangplank Splash Art Udyr Splash Art
975 -> 487 RP 975 -> 487 RP

Source: League of Legends News: Champion and Skin Sale: Murder at Vayne Manor II

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