Sejuani, the Fury of the North faces her enemies as she faces the cold: with determination and strength. She is a well prepared lady, not only in gear but also in mount. Her ability to adapt and thrive in the harshest environments is reinforced by her skins; though it seems that her frosty past simply can’t be left behind. In any case, when you take Bristle for a ride do so with style; check her skins’ review.
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Category: | Legacy |
Price: | 975 RP |
Concept: | Sejuani as a boar-riding, aboriginal warrior. |
Model: | New model for Sejuani, Bristle and her flail. |
Particles: | No new particles. |
Animations: | No new animations. |
Sounds: | No new sounds. |
Splash Art: | The background isn’t as detailed and rich as a jungle would lead to expect: the diffuse darkness and blurry light, on the left and right respectively, seem like filler. At least the rampage shows trunks being ripped to pieces but in general it all looks empty and lifeless. Both Sejuani and Bristle look good, especially their faces but the sketchy nature of the depiction is difficult to ignore. Still, their general look is portrayed, shield aside, but the blurriness that covers Sejuani’s lower body as well as Bristle’s side hardly helps. Overall, it’s a piece that sets a reasonable mood for an acceptable depiction but it doesn’t look as good as it should and could. |
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Conclusion: | Sans ice powers, Sabretusk Sejuani is probably how she should look if she weren’t a frosty knight from Freljord. The aboriginal look is definitely fitting: the clothes design is reasonable, the flail primitive but deadly and the boar as much a weapon and companion as a tribal icon. Unfortunately, the ice powers ruin the illusion and one has to accept that Sejuani is an ice warrior dressed in jungle style. In the end, Sabretusk Sejuani is a nice look but one that simply doesn’t work with her ice queen theme. |
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Category: | Regular |
Price: | 975 RP |
Concept: | Sejuani as a supernatural, ice knight. |
Model: | New model for Sejuani, Bristle and her flail. |
Particles: | No new particles. |
Animations: | No new animations. |
Sounds: | No new sounds. |
Splash Art: | The background is decidedly blurry: most of it just seems like hints of the action; which is a letdown. The setting seems to be a town, or anywhere else, being pillaged by Sejuani. As a fire burns next to some sort of construction a soldier flies due to Sejuani’s frosted flail swing. Another soldier screams in panic but his face appears deformed due to his mouth and left eye being ill placed. Sejuani is barely visible atop Bristle; which instead takes centre stage. What little can be seen of her hardly looks like her actual frosty, almost undead, look. Additionally, Bristle doesn’t even look as dark as he should. The rampage is eloquent nonetheless but the liberties taken in the depiction adversely affect its usefulness. On the whole, it’s a passable splash art but it’s neither very faithful nor does such sacrifice amount to much. |
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Conclusion: | Darkrider Sejuani seems to take the opposite path to Sabretusk Sejuani and instead of realizing her underlying tribal theme instead tries to develop her explicit ice warrior aspect with a supernatural angle. The armour design certainly provides a ghostly layer; along with her inhuman skin colour and empty eyes. However, she is a tad underdressed and doesn’t strike as particularly imposing or ethereal. The flail is well designed as it seems lean and brutally effective plus seems made of ice. Bristle’s look is adapted somewhat but he doesn’t look particularly monstrous or undead. In fact, he looks as a rather normal battle boar wearing frightening armour. It suits the theme but isn’t really satisfying; though one could argue that a boar isn’t the best choice to start with. In the end, Darkrider Sejuani is a skin with an interesting concept that isn’t as well developed as it could’ve been. Fans of Sejuani will find an interesting but flawed option for the Fury of the North. |
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Category: | Legacy |
Price: | 975 RP |
Concept: | Sejuani as a fantastic barbarian warrior. |
Model: | New model for Sejuani, Bristle and her flail. |
Particles: | No new particles. |
Animations: | No new animations. |
Sounds: | Original voice-over for Sejuani. |
Splash Art: | The background presents an hostile environment made of jagged mountains oppressed by the frosted blizzards typical of the tundra. Among these elements we appreciate the appearance of a barbarian warrior wearing a leather bikini and riding a boar; simply spot on. Composition aside, the setting is interesting but rather blurry. Besides, it sure shows how tough and strong Sejuani is but, at the least, it makes one raise an eyebrow. Bristle also looks a bit diffuse but that is offset by his ferocious charge, which makes a good impression, yet isn’t as imposing as in-game. Sejuani is clearly depicted with nice shading and precise lines. Unfortunately, her flail looks a bit diffuse and her shield hardly matches her in-game armguard. Still, Sejuani looks quite appealing even if she doesn’t seem a particularly hardened warrior. All in all, the piece represents Sejuani’s previous concept but isn’t as faithful to her three-dimensional incarnation as it should. |
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Conclusion: | Traditional Sejuani is a tribute to a concept that never was very convincing. While an underdressed barbarian from the tundra makes for quite a statement on the physical prowess of the aforementioned it’s a concept with more fantasy than realism in it. Of course, in the Fields of Justice the climate may be forgiving but it’s still rather unfitting. In spite of that, the new model isn’t bad: Sejuani looks attractive, her flail lethal and Bristle lean yet powerful. All in all, it’s a good skin for fans of the former Sejuani but it asks for a healthy suspension of disbelief. |
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Category: | Regular |
Price: | 1350 RP |
Concept: | Sejuani as a bear-riding Russian soldier. |
Model: | New model for Sejuani, Bristle and her flail. |
Particles: | New particles for her abilities and auto-attack. |
Animations: | New recall animation. |
Sounds: | New sounds for her abilities, auto-attack and recall. |
Splash Art: | This is quite an impactful splash art depicting Sejuani charging through a forest with a perspective and motion blur that heighten the effect. Although the background feels a bit empty it provides a fitting frame for the action. The bear is simply striking: his worn armour and echoing missing eye speak of many battles behind him. On top of that, it’s easy to realize its bellowing due to the breath around the maw. Sejuani also looks great and she makes a good display of her flail. Unfortunately, the perspective also occludes most of her body so, while nice looking, not much is visible. Additionally, her coat seems to fuse with the sunlight behind her instead of shining. All in all, this is a fantastic splash art that gives a very good impression of Sejuani and Bristle. |
Rating: | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Conclusion: | Bear Cavalry Sejuani is a rather striking skin that promptly attracts attention with its fiery visuals. Sejuani trades her armour for warm clothes and, despite looking unprotected, her attire is reasonable. Her flail’s mine-based design can be considered a stretch yet it surely is eye-catching. Still, without doubt, it’s Bristle’s new look that steals the show: a veteran, armoured, scarred bear. The mount surely looks unorthodox but, keeping with the general style, it defines the identity of the skin. Strangely, when looking at the duo Sejuani looks more polished than Bristle’s washed out aspect. The explosive particles and sounds are also a great addition that instils a distinct personality. The same can be said about the preposterous recall animation. All things considered, Bear Cavalry Sejuani is a unique skin with a lot of appeal. The price can feel a little high but it won’t disappoint if you like the concept. |
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Category: | Legacy |
Price: | 975 RP |
Concept: | Sejuani wearing warm clothes, wielding a frozen poro snack and riding a giant poro. |
Model: | New model for Sejuani, Bristle and her flail. New poro for her recall and death. |
Particles: | New floating snow particles for her abilities and auto-attack. |
Animations: | New recall animation. |
Sounds: | New sounds for her abilities, auto-attack and recall. |
Splash Art: | For those that wanted to know what a poro charge is this piece has a clear answer. Sejuani and Bristle send flying snow and poros alike as they advance; leaving behind some recognizable faces. Those faces can be difficult to identify as most of the background and even poro-Bristle are rather blurry. There seems to be a hint to a race or some other event but the setting isn’t clear about it. Sejuani is clearly displayed yet her face seems alien: it doesn’t look like her. The warm clothes are displayed well with appropriate quality. Her flail, though, seem to compete and even try to gather more attention than the actual characters. As a try at humour it’s not that effective. The result is mixed: the elements are present and are good. However, the implementation and composition doesn’t let them shine as they could. |
Rating: | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Conclusion: | For the most part, Poro Rider Sejuani is just a re-model. It’s quite a good one as the new aspect is very appealing though mostly due to the presence of poro-Bristle. The new clothes for Sejuani bring back to mind her Bear Cavalry wardrobe. Whereas, her new flail seems like a joke that isn’t as good in practice as it is in theory. Bristle, however, steals the show with his new poro persona. It is, without a doubt, the main attraction and what really gives the skin its identity. The particles seem underdeveloped. While it’s understandable that Sejuani’s classic ice particles work quite well the added floating snow is a flimsy addition that can pass unnoticed. Perhaps confectionery would’ve been a better theme for the particles because they feel lacklustre. In conclusion, Poro Rider Sejuani is a charming skin thanks to poro-Bristle. It’s a skin that feels as a re-model which is unbecoming of Snowdown Showdown but, at least, it has a big, furry saving grace. |
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Category: | Regular |
Price: | 750 RP |
Concept: | Sejuani as a fantasy huntress. |
Model: | New model for Sejuani, Bristle and her flail. |
Particles: | No new particles. |
Animations: | No new animations. |
Sounds: | No new sounds. |
Splash Art: | Except for the weird, beaked dinosaur, or whatever beast it’s supposed to be, the setting lacks much relevance. It gives a place for Sejuani and Bristle to stand and fills the rest of empty space. However, the only significant part is what little we get to see of the hunted beast: the target of the hunters. In that regard, the creature is interesting as an explicit link between modern birds and dinosaurs. The maw is clearly something to be feared even if the upper part looks empty of details. Regardless, it’s fine game of which we only get a hint. Moving on to the hunters, Sejuani and Bristle are too far away for details to be noticed. At any rate, a reasonable idea of Bristle’s reptilian physiognomy is perceivable; though to really understand the body shape some effort or an external source is necessary. Sejuani is so tiny that added to a pose that hides her legs and chest means that only a minimal glance at her aspect is possible. Fortunately, her action is probably the most relevant, having snared the prey, she is essential to the hunt. Tryndamere appears floating in mid air, presumably, having hopped from the beast’s back. One hand on the beak, the readied attack means that a useful view to his aspect is possible. On the other hand, the usually large sword appears diminutive and even inoffensive for such a vociferous warrior. Actually, the general size of Tryndamere is small but, overall, the depiction works by having meaning and serving as a spotlight. Draven does the complete opposite; though he doesn’t forget to take the lion’s share of available space. With his back against the viewer and an abrupt perspective his look has to be guessed for the most part. Throwing a spinning axe at the beast is his main contribution and while more are to follow we can only guess from where he leapt and where he intends to land. Besides, the blade of the spinning axe on his right hand seems rather small in proportion to its grip; yet if it were longer, as it should, it would slash his left hand. Aside from his big grin there’s nothing of the boastful executioner so it seems like a rather common action for his grandiosity. Adding it all together, this is a splash art that tries with varying success to integrate three champions into a significant action. The problem is that they have to share with a fourth character: the hunted beast. This means that there can only be so much space for the daring displays of power that they intend to show. While the conception is quite good the sacrifices are evident; even though nothing explains the blandness of the background. In the end, it’s a good splash art but with too many concessions to be truly remarkable. |
Rating: | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Conclusion: | For a fantasy huntress Sejuani doesn’t make much of an effort to look the part. She wears some practical and colourful armour, grabs a spiked mace and hops onto her mount ready for battle. There’s an obvious and even expected degree of stylization. The profuse hair is kept in place by an open helmet with a ridiculously long horn. The armour also displays spikes that echo her mount’s scales, the mace seems unwieldily heavy while the unreasonably exposed midriff seals the deal about the relevance of looks despite functionality impairments. Fortunately, all this allows for a florid interpretation of Bristle that saves the skin. The exotic reptilian aspect seems taken straight from a fantasy book. The colourful scales, unusual face but recognizable body shape easily makes Bristle a member of the fauna of a fantastic realm. The frontal area does seem a bit overloaded with multiple fangs, horns and scales on face and front legs. The rear of the Bristle doesn’t forget to be well protected by large scales and even some horns in case the opportunity arises. Borrowing the idea from the Bear Cavalry some useful gear is added so that Sejuani can be ready for any eventuality; which makes unusual sense. All in all, Beast Hunter Sejuani is a remarkable skin thanks to an attractive look for Sejuani and a magnificent interpretation of Bristle. The mount surely steals the spotlight but Sejuani manages to fit in with a sensible fantasy style that may borrow some of the stylization from Traditional. The result is quite attractive so fans of the Fury of the North will find in this an evocative option. |
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Category: | Regular |
Price: | 750 RP |
Concept: | Sejuani as a lion-riding adventurer. |
Model: | New model for Sejuani, Bristle and her flail. |
Particles: | No new particles. |
Animations: | No new animations. |
Sounds: | No new sounds. |
Splash Art: | For a background there’s little to speak of. There’re some swirls of magical energy, perhaps some walls and the presence of other adventurers and that’s all. One could gather that there’s some sort of confrontation but nothing specific can be discerned. The fact that it’s a large, shared splash art where each piece focuses on a specific champion is patently obvious. Sejuani has a rather crisp and attractive portrayal that displays her elven nature rather well; provided we only look at her from the waist up. Not only is the rest of the body omitted but also the blurred forearms don’t show the vambraces effectively. Her flail is also absent and it only gets worse. Bristle, now in the guise of a large lion, is only hinted at, whereas in-game his size makes him the largest portion of the duo. Only a partial face and mane is discernible because the rest of the body, including much of the relevant equipment, is largely out of the picture. Only the sleeping bag and part of the saddle escapes from the persistent blur. In the end, despite how little is actually visible, it’s a dynamic and eye-catching portrayal of Sejuani and a tiny bit of Bristle. The problem is that there’s no concrete context and too much is relegated in favour of meaningless swirls of magic. Perhaps the full picture makes sense but this portion, on its own, certainly doesn’t have much to offer. |
Rating: | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Conclusion: | Straightforward yet appealing Sejuani Dawnchaser transforms the Fury of the North into a lion-riding elf. The approach is rather pragmatic as Sejuani is quite practically dressed with light armour and comfortable leather clothing. That doesn’t prevent some decoration like the tiara, arm meshes and gem-embedded vambraces. The effect is that of a believable elven rider well prepared for battle. The ornamented flail suits her dignified style though it looks a bit too ceremonial. In theory, even the gem in the head would be heavy and lethal but it also looks brittle for a blunt weapon. Bristle appears as a lion with dark fur and heterochromatic eyes. The style is cartoony as his mane and face clearly indicate but he suits Sejuani’s appearance. The added protection on the front paws which echoes her vambraces further match the pair. The hairbands on the sides and the earring on the left are unnecessary and add nothing to the general style. On the contrary, they are an stylish exaggeration. The saddle is decorated but practical and placed over a large, padded mantle. The practical tone is also reflected on the use of shields as hind protection, one of which is covered with a bag; necessity trumps practicality. An embroidered sleeping bag finishes the set. All in all, it’s an unambitious but well realised skin that captures the adventurer’s feel that it intends to. The model is fantastical but also believable within its set parameters. The only thing that is odd about the re-model is how disconnected the classic ice powers are from the practical adventurer appearance. There’s absolutely no hint, not even on the potentially magical flail, of any frost magic. That aside, it’s a nice look that shows Sejuani and Bristle ready to tackle any quest. |
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Category: | Legacy |
Price: | 1350 RP |
Concept: | Sejuani as a fireworks expert and Bristle as a gold-decorated pig. |
Model: | New model for Sejuani, Bristle and her flail. |
Particles: | New particles for her abilities, auto-attack and recall. |
Animations: | New recall animation. |
Sounds: | New sounds for her abilities, auto-attack and recall. |
Splash Art: | Albeit somewhat diffuse the background is clear about the celebration with a parade to celebrate the new year. There are pigs, music, dance, fireworks and some cameos left, centre and right which add substance and personality to the setting. It’s a pity, then, that everything isn’t clearer to enjoy all that the background has to offer. Heading the parade we find the most prominent of pigs, Bristle and her rider, Sejuani. Bristle is softly shaded, which added to the dim colours, gives an interesting, porcelain-styled look. Gold does appear too dim like bronze, magical effects are too faint and the perspective doesn’t fully show his body but there’s appeal in the portrayal. Sejuani looks cartoony but also receives elaborate shading. Her look is clearly displayed even if her face strikes as unfamiliar. The firecracker roll ready to blow as her new flail is a good touch and added to her joy make her a good fit for the parade. The depiction strikes as a bit simple, though. According to the room given, Bristle seems more relevant than Sejuani; which is also supported by the perspective. Regardless, it’s a nice portrayal. Overall, this is a nice splash art with an appealing context that should’ve been let to shine with more clarity. Sejuani seems a bit relegated but her depiction is nice and Bristle is hard to miss with his characteristic style. All added together, this is a rather nice piece which only needs some extra polish to impress with all its charm. |
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Conclusion: | Given the cartoony approach taken in Firecracker Sejuani the result has a clear stylisation but one that is charming. Bristle easily catches the eye with his pink, fat pig look and golden armour. While he may appear too contented with his new look it can’t be denied that it’s distinct. It surely doesn’t look deadly or fearsome but for a celebratory skin it makes sense. The drum is a fitting touch to respect the classic design with a plausible new element. Sejuani is dressed in red and gold in a stylised but attractive eastern style. Her clothes follow the expected Firecracker design yet fit her well; despite being so familiar. The firecracker roll as a flail, with a golden, sparkling pig head is a suitable even if fantastic choice for a weapon. The handle appears rather ceremonial with all its ornamentation and it might as well be, given the general design of the weapon. Particles are divided into fireworks and golden coins. Those that rely on golden coins are simple and understated visually and aurally; Permafrost and Glacial Prison. Fortunately, as expected of an ultimate, Glacial Prison also displays a measured show of fireworks which makes the ability the best example of the theme despite the moderation seen. Flail attacks also show small yet colourful fireworks which are rather appealing. Arctic Assault is particularly disappointing with its simple use of golden trails. Sounds have the odd pig squeal added to Arctic Assault to give it some personality and the metallic sounds proper of coins. Flail attacks also have noticeable metallic sounds. It’s the fireworks, often subtle and relegated by the metallic clanks, which are interesting. We aren’t talking about anything impressive but they are appealing. At times, the metallic sounds seem to imitate ice shards which is something understandable yet feels out of place. The recall says nothing about fireworks or firecrackers and seems lacking in ambition. The pig theme is already well established by Bristle alone and all the golden pig heads. Further dancing with piglets says nothing new. At least there’s relevance given to the drum. Adding everything up, Firecracker Sejuani is an appealing, cartoony skin that can be charming if it’s taken in the spirit it’s given. While it’s not a joke skin it’s certainly not serious which allows it to capture the celebratory spirit of the New Year. It could be more enthusiastic about it and the golden regalia and coins don’t contribute much. Still, the result has appeal. |
Sejuani’s release skins aren’t bad but they fall prey to the mistakes that her original concept carried and that the visual upgrade didn’t actually address. Both skins have their strengths but trying to accommodate for Sejuani’s classic style is their downfall. Had they went a step further and tried to realize their theme in full they would be great products but currently they are only good.
This almost leaves Bear Cavalry Sejuani as the only skin worth recommending despite its high price. While the investment is certainly considerable the skin offers a distinct and interesting theme backed by a good execution. It can be arguable whether the expense is justified but at the very least, Bear Cavalry Sejuani doesn’t let down.
The other, more modest but, still remarkable option is Beast Hunter Sejuani. While she mostly fits the part of the usual fantasy adventurer Bristle defines the skin with its iconic appearance. This gives the skin a clear identity that oozes ample appeal. For fans of fantasy this is a wonderful option that shouldn’t be ignored.
Fans of poros and snow need not look further than Poro Rider Sejuani. In terms of poro content it’s a satisfying skin. Unfortunately, the frosty angle isn’t developed much and is barely acceptable. Nonetheless, if poro is what you need then this skin won’t disappoint.
For an adventurer take on Sejuani and Bristle there’s Sejuani Dawnchaser. The tone is certainly fantastical but the gear is practical and the tone quite believable. The only problem is that there’s no connection with the classic ice magic which remains unchanged. As far as re-models go it’s a very nice look that delivers on its promise. It can surely be recommended if you can accept its shortcomings.
Firecracker Sejuani is a cartoony skin with appeal. It’s far from serious but it captures the celebration’s spirit. The fireworks are the best feature even if they are rather measured. The golden decorations and coins can clash with the theme, though. Regardless, given the approach taken, it’s a nice skin.
Back to her release skins, Sabretusk Sejuani provides a more natural look but clashes with her ice powers and Darkrider Sejuani fits her ice powers but doesn’t realize the imposing undead knight theme well. In the end, if you like Sejuani there are things to appreciate about her skins but you’ll have to excuse their issues.
In other words, don’t get a Sejuani skin until the new one comes out. XD
Well, her current skins aren’t bad but a future visual upgrade could largely improve things for Sejuani.
When will you guys be doing a Bear Calvary Sej skin?
A review? Well, right now actually.
Hope it doesn’t leave you cold.
You put ridding instead of riding on Bear Cavalry Concept.
Sorry, corrected now; thanks for the notice. Lest bear-Bristle take it the wrong way…
i’m pretty sure Bear Cavalry Sejuani is a reference to The Red Star (a game for PS1). looks identical to the character from it. that game also happens to be amazing as well as unbeatable,
Interesting, according to what we found, The Red Star is a PS2 game based on Christian Gossett’s comic. Bear Cavalry Sejuani practically dresses like Makita but has blonde hear like Maya; two of the main characters of both game and comic. Thanks for the information.
In my server, Bear Calvary is sold for only 975, that makes it a 5-star-worth-buyng right? I’m planning to buy it since it’s on sale for 3 days 🙂
It wouldn’t be a bad purchase but the rating also considers possible sales. Be aware that Bear Cavalry Sejuani will eventually go on regular sales with a 50% discount so if you want to save as much RP as possible you could wait for that.
The thing is that as it has a high price so a sale would reduce the price but not by as much as if it were a cheaper skin. Consider that a 975 RP skin would be discounted to 487 RP on a regular sale and to 702 RP with the 28% discount that Bear Cavalry now offers.
Still, if you are a Sejuani fan it surely is her best skin and at that price it’s definitely attractive. Just be mindful that you’ll be paying more than usual despite being a good skin.
Hi zero, good job with your reviews so far 🙂 I have 2 questions.
1) What do you think about the upcoming winter skins, especially Poro Sejuani?
2) What is your totally most favorite skin? Please try to be as specific as you can.
Thank you for response 🙂
Firstly, if you are a fan of poros then Sejuani delivers as much poro as one could expect; short of making a champion an actual poro. If you are looking for an ice based skin then it won’t really convince as Sejuani is already frost based. However, the poro angle is rather well realized.
Secondly, we really can’t say. We like many skins and with so many available it’s difficult and not very practical to restrict oneself to one single skin or even a champion. We would however give a special mention to Sewn Chaos Orianna. It’s a great example of how to capture the spirit of a champion with a different style. On top of that, it’s a skin that does a lot with little. With just a re-model it changes the whole style of the champion while keeping the core intact; it also has a nice price.
All in all, Sewn Chaos Orianna is a good example of how to cleverly design and implement an attractive skin at a good price.
I don’t own the skin but I thought i heard from someone that Traditional Sejuani uses her old voice-over but that isn’t mentioned in the review. Was I misinformed or was that overlooked?
You’re right that was an oversight, thanks.
So i was doing some research on sejuani skins and came across that wiki website, it then said the bear-cavalry sej was given out for free for people on the Russian servers?!? Can you confirm this please/explain because although i don’t play on Russian servers, i was thinking about poro-rider and bear-cavalry, bear-cavarlry is better but i don’t really want a common skin that was given out for free.
That could’ve been when the Russian servers were inaugurated. Often, the servers give a free skin to those that move to that region or make a new account. Pool Party Ziggs was given for Oceania, Sultan Tryndamere for Turkey and Ghost Bride Morgana for Latin America; those are the ones we remember. The same could’ve happened to Bear Cavalry Sejuani.
We don’t think that there’s much point in worrying. If you like the skin, wait for a sale and get it. You’ll save a good amount of RP and have a good skin that you enjoy. The giveaway wouldn’t make Bear Cavalry common by any means as it was a specific, time-limited promotion.
Do you have an idea of when will Bear Cavalry Sejuani be on sale again? approximately
It was last on sale on August. It’ll probably take some months to go on sale again. Hopefully, it won’t be a full year or more as sales have expanded a bit. However, there’s nothing certain with sales. At some point during next year Bear Cavalry Sejuani should be discounted; perhaps towards the middle of the year. Aside from some speculation there’s little else of use.
ok thanks. What do you advice me to do? buy it now or wait for the discount?
And do you know on which day of the month do they post the next month sales calendar?
They usually post near the end of each month the upcoming sales for the new month. We’d recommend to wait before getting Bear Cavalry Sejuani. At 1350 RP it’s a rather expensive skin so there’s much to gain from being patient.
Hey there! Don’t know if this has been mentioned before but the Beast Hunter skins are a reference to Nintendo’s “Monster Hunter” series, which involves hunting monsters and making armor/weapons out of their carvings – where the armor/weapons made share an aesthetic style with the monster whose parts are used to forge them. The beast in the image is a reference to the “Qurupeco” a large Green, red and purple Bird monster (link below) and the skins are made to look like Hunters
A bit unfortunate that Draven takes up half the splash while Sejuani takes up maybe 1/8th 🙁
Hey! We knew of the Monster Hunter reference but weren’t aware of the reference to the actual Qurupeco. Thanks for the information. We like the idea but it’s done in a modest way with regards to the skins. At least they manage to be attractive. Perhaps other champions will eventually step in as possible monsters so that the hunters have game to trail.
We agree with your assessment of the splash art. Sadly, it has problems and the focus on Draven to the detriment of the other characters, Sejuani especially and monster included, is disappointing. We understand that it’s not always possible to give equal space to all champions but in this case the bias is too obvious. On top of that, it’s not even exploited to give a properly impressive look of Draven so it’s a questionable choice.
There is a small comment I want to make about Bear Cavalry Sejuani. IMO, it’s very hard to see when her ulti connected, since it uses a dark metal structure to root the enemy. Compared to the clear iceblock from regular ulti, it’s much more easy for your teammates to notice it in the middle of a teamfight. Take this in consideration when purchasing it.
That’s an interesting point to make. Thanks for the information.
I really prefer Traditional Sejuani over classic but they changed her model and made it worse. It looks like a toy/plastic now and it’s hard for me to decide whether or not to craft her from hextech. I still like it more than the classic but I’m pretty disappointed in the model change
It’s true, Traditional Sejuani isn’t the same as she was but does capture a good deal of her old style. The extra polish usually doesn’t help champions that are to look rough and tough as veterans of many battles; just look at the stylish Rugged Garen. Regardless, being a legacy skin it’s not something that will often be easily available. Sure, legacy skin do return at least once per year and sometimes also get sales but yet that’s not the usual pattern.
If you like Traditional Sejuani and prefer the skin to her new classic style then perhaps crafting isn’t a bad idea. The skin won’t be readily available and you seem to like it. It certainly won’t be able to compete with more elaborate skins like Bear Cavalry but it still has its share of fantasy style. You could reuse hextech resources to unlock something else and could do better but also worse; that’s the way of the game.
From what you express, you like the skin but would’ve preferred the old one. That’s a problem with League: old versions disappear as the game only keeps the last iteration of each resource. Therefore, as far as Traditional skins go refurbished old styles is all that you can get. Is not ideal but it’s better than nothing and sometimes it’s not that bad. Traditional Sejuani isn’t the same as she used to be but there’s enough to justify it being a good skin for nostalgic fans.
Hi Zero!
Will you do a new review for her skins due to her getting a rework? 3 of her splash arts have changed too, and I was just wondering because I’m quite confused on which Sej skin to get.
Thank you!
As far as we know Sejuani only got a gameplay update. We didn’t notice any major changes but if there’s anything specific that we need to change we’ll do so. For now, the reviews seem applicable to Sejuani after the update.
With regards to splash arts we are sadly quite delayed with them. We apologize and we’ll try to update reviews with the new pieces when we can. As we prioritise new content we tend to have little time for extras but we’ll try to get to them.
Hi! Thoughts on the new Sejuani skin?
It’s good if taken as a what it is: a non-serious skin that isn’t a joke but doesn’t try to be more than a nice diversion. The fireworks should’ve been stronger with more impact and relevance in the skin as they are the best feature. Still, it’s good enough.