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League of Legends: Sivir Skins’ Review – StrategyZero
Feb 162012
Sivir, the Battle Mistress
Sivir, the Battle Mistress

Sivir, the Battle Mistress has a varied assortment of skins at her disposal. A few draw inspiration from established franchises while others base themselves on more traditional sources. If you need help in choosing the right dress for the Battle Mistress, take a look at her skins’ review.

Warrior Princess Sivir
Warrior Princess Sivir Splash Art Warrior Princess Sivir Model
Category: Regular
Price: 520 RP
Concept: Sivir resembling a chakram-wielding warrior.
Model: Major changes for Sivir and new model for her crossblade.
Particles: New crossblade particles for Boomerang Blade, Ricochet and her auto-attack.
Animations: No new animations.
Sounds: No new sounds.
Splash Art: The art is simple but adequate. The focus is clearly on showing Sivir’s appearance; nothing else. Lighting is well used, it reflects off her crossblade and armour. Additionally, the cracks on the latter are a nice touch. While Sivir’s in-game appearance is reasonably recreated in the art, her model simply isn’t as sharp looking as this piece.
Rating: Star clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZero
Conclusion: In spite of not being a full re-model, Warrior Princess Sivir adapts the Battle Mistress quite well into the image of Xena. The armour and hairstyle convey the aesthetic and the chakram, albeit oversized, cements the personality of the skin. On the whole, it’s hardly an original concept but the aspect is likeable and, considering its fantasy roots, believable. Whether you like Xena or the Battle Mistress, Warrior Princess Sivir is a skin that keeps her identity but adds a distinct layer of fantasy style.

Spectacular Sivir
Spectacular Sivir Splash Art Spectacular Sivir Model
Category: Legacy
Price: 975 RP (Legacy Skin Project)
Concept: Sivir as a scantily-clad super-heroine.
Model: Major changes for Sivir’s and new model for her crossblade.
Particles: New crossblade particles for Boomerang Blade, Ricochet and her auto-attack.
Animations: No new animations.
Sounds: No new sounds.
Splash Art: The art shows Sivir preparing to throw her crossblade with an explosion as background. While the setting may appear simple good use of lighting reinforces the piece as her gold encrusted outfit reflects the light in her daring pose. Moreover, the cracks on the crossblade add even more details. Unfortunately while Sivir’s in-game look is identical to the piece it’s isn’t nearly as striking. Besides, the shading is rather simple despite the nice reflections. In the end, it’s a nice portrayal but it needs a better background and clearer colours.
Rating: Star clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZero
Conclusion: The intention of paying homage to Wonder Woman can be inferred by the similarities in appearance. However, Spectacular Sivir feels more like an underdressed version of the Battle Mistress with knack for heavy ornamentation. The clothes are minimal to say the least and expose as much decoration as they do skin. It’s true that the general style of such decorations matches the crossblade’s design yet the weapon feels overloaded in its design. On top of that, the star shape seems to take weight and lethality from it; to the point that it feels decorative mostly. Spectacular Sivir is skin with a thin super-heroine theme, few clothing and a whimsical crossblade. Not bad but a bit disappointing in its execution.

Huntress Sivir
Huntress Sivir Splash Art Huntress Sivir Model
Category: Exclusive (Champions Bundle)
Price: 975 RP
Concept: Sivir dresses as an aboriginal native wielding a traditional boomerang.
Model: Major model changes for Sivir and new model for her crossblade.
Particles: New crossblade particles for Boomerang Blade, Ricochet and her auto-attack.
Animations: No new animations.
Sounds: No new sounds.
Splash Art: The art provides a simple background that enhances the focus on Sivir and the new crossblade on the centre. Sivir’s new look is correctly depicted making the piece dynamic and fresh. Sadly, there are a few perspective problems like Sivir’s feet and her left upper arm. Moreover, the boomerang is supposed to rotate on its centre yet the effect on its tips implies a forward movement. The problems aren’t significant enough to ruin the piece still they aren’t sufficiently minor to be unnoticeable.
Rating: Star clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZero
Conclusion: At a glance, Huntress Sivir immediately communicates its theme while leaving a clear impression of its unique identity. The aboriginal theme is presented with wood-based protection, war paint and a distinct boomerang. Her sandals, as well as her revealing clothes may be stylized but the aspect is reasonable and fit the theme. Overall, Huntress Sivir provides a new style for the Battle Mistress that keeps her core but instils a fresh aboriginal aesthetic that stands on its own. Fans of the Battle Mistress and aboriginal warriors will find much to like in Huntress Sivir.

Bandit Sivir
Bandit Sivir Splash Art Bandit Sivir Model
Category: Regular
Price: 750 RP
Concept: Sivir wearing spiked light armour and wielding a crossblade with angled blades.
Model: New model for Sivir and her crossblade.
Particles: New crossblade particles for Boomerang Blade, Ricochet and her auto-attack.
Animations: No new animations.
Sounds: No new sounds.
Splash Art: The art is very well done with a nice background over which Sivir gazes. Sivir is full of details, more than her model shows, the armour contains many reliefs and even the fur’s texture is visible. A magnificent splash art that clearly surpasses Sivir’s three-dimensional look.
Rating: Star clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZero
Conclusion: A well protected warrior is a sensible choice and, without disregarding style, Bandit Sivir incorporates some armour. The protection is light but with an aggressive design that speaks of a lady that shouldn’t be crossed. The crossblade also follows this theme with and interesting appearance that is decorated but without obstructing its primary function. All things considered, Bandit Sivir offers a more aggressive yet fitting aesthetic that tells that the Battle Mistress knows her business. Still, at this price it could elaborate some more so as to stand out. It’s a good skin for Sivir but it doesn’t do that much more in comparison with others.

PAX Sivir
PAX Sivir Splash Art PAX Sivir Model
Category: Exclusive (PAX Prime 2011)
Price: Not applicable
Concept: Sivir enters the Grid dressed in Tron-style gear while her crossblade becomes a giant digital pad.
Model: New model for Sivir and her crossblade.
Particles: New crossblade particles for Boomerang Blade, Ricochet and her auto-attack. New red trail for Boomerang Blade.
Animations: No new animations.
Sounds: No new sounds.
Splash Art: The splash art is very good with a rich background and a detailed look for Sivir. The setting makes Sivir look fantastic, something that her model isn’t able to match that well. Regardless, the visuals are fresh and the lighting effects and reflections on the borders of Sivir’s crossblade close a very solid piece.
Rating: Star clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZero
Conclusion: With a heavy dose of science fiction added, PAX Sivir is quite an eye-catching skin that, upon closer inspection, seems like it could’ve offered more. The new suit evokes a futuristic setting well but her crossblade, while technologically advanced, doesn’t look deadly at all and instead seems a plastic toy. Additionally, as most of the details of the suit are made with textures, they look flat and deform a little too much as the model flexes and moves. Add to this the restricted availability of the skin and we are left with a great concept with an acceptable execution that evades most people. PAX Sivir is a good skin but if you don’t already own it it’s simply not worth spending huge amounts in its pursuit.

Snowstorm Sivir
Snowstorm Sivir Splash Art Snowstorm Sivir Model
Category: Legacy
Price: 975 RP
Concept: Sivir as an ice warrior.
Model: New model for Sivir and her crossblade.
Particles: New crossblade particles for her auto-attack, Boomerang Blade and Ricochet. New glow for Ricochet and new swirls for On the Hunt. New snowflake particles for Boomerang Blade, On the Hunt and recall.
Animations: New recall animation.
Sounds: New sound for her recall.
Splash Art: The background is a mess of ice with the touch of a blizzard. You can recognise the hint of snow-covered trees but besides that there’s nothing. As a setting it provides a place for Sivir to be but it’s nothing more than a frame. Sivir is nicely depicted with bright colours and ample use of lighting effects. Her crossblade also displays a great amount of detail like cracks and dents, perhaps too deep cracks, along glittering edges and snow. The result is attractive but also a bit artificial; in fact, her skin looks plastic and the fur too solid. On top of that, her face doesn’t look like Sivir. Even though her features vary wildly between splash arts it should resemble her classic look yet it seems like a different person. The fact that her arms and legs are difficult to discern and appreciate the elements incorporated on them is just another point on the list. On the whole, it manages to be an eye-catching spotlight yet it feels as if that was all that mattered.
Rating: Star clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZero
Conclusion: Snowstorm Sivir is a skin that takes a predictable path in its implementation: the sexy ice warrior. In spite of the hardships of cold weather, the irreplaceable cleavage and open dress don’t seem to pose a problem. It’s true that an ice warrior is fantastic enough that sexy clothes are a possibility. Yet, it seems like a missed opportunity not to have chosen a more practical route. Besides, Sivir seems like a serious warrior and hails from the desert. With that stated, the new crossblade is a great choice that suits the theme perfectly. The same can be said about the new, subtle particles on her auto-attack Boomerang Blade and On the Hunt but her other abilities seem like they would’ve welcomed an icy touch. In spite of its issues, Snowstorm Sivir is a charming skin with a unique identity; mainly thanks to the snowflake boomerang. However, it’s reasonable to wonder if an extra layer of polish and realism could’ve made it excel.

Warden Sivir
Warden Sivir Splash Art Warden Sivir Model
Category: Regular
Price: 750 RP
Concept: Sivir as an armoured enforcer of the Law.
Model: New model for Sivir and her crossblade.
Particles: New crossblade particles for her auto-attack, Boomerang Blade and Ricochet.
Animations: No new animations.
Sounds: No new sounds.
Splash Art: To say that there is a background is a bit of a stretch because except for some shining sky and fog to fill the empty spaces there’s really no setting.
Nautilus is in charge of taking most of the space with his enormous frame. His portrayal is detailed and colourful but only around the central area. On the borders he seems to dissolve on a mist and only his upper body is actually visible. In fact, the particles around him give the idea that he’s underwater but also that he’s partly filling the background.
Sivir’s depiction is even clearer and stands out from the picture. The lines and shading are sharp and the metal glows and reflects the light in an attractive and believable way. The only problems are that her face seems muddy and that her crossblade looks too small. Also the mist around her tends to occlude her left side and the hair seems unrealistically white; even more than in the three-dimensional model.
All things considered, this is a simple portrayal of two champions. As a shared piece compromises need to be made but in this case it all appears simplistic and empty.
Rating: Star clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZero
Conclusion: Wearing a solemn suit of armour Warden Sivir appears as a deadly enforcer that commands respect. The changes are centred on the new model but it shows that the focus paid off. The armour is elaborate with multiple but sober decorations over solid plates. It not only looks effective but also practical while keeping her look attractive. The helmet is brief but provides an appealing frame for her long, white hair; which instils a sense of agility. The new crossblade with curved, quasi serrated blades is an instrument that speaks for itself about its lethality. The new particles for Boomerang Blade are nothing remarkable but keep things consistent while the new trail for Ricochet isn’t much but is welcome.
If there’s any fault with Warden Sivir is that the armour can be a bit monotonous in both design and colouring. It has an attractive outline and general aspect but, on closer inspection, it’s rather homogeneous. Considering Sivir’s agile stance and the crossblade’s design the plates could echo such dexterity with more curved lines. In particular, the upper body is rather interesting with its golden highlights and liberal yet practical style. However, the lower body appears dull in comparison.
On the whole, Warden Sivir is a fantastic skin for fans of the Battle Mistress. As an armoured version of Sivir Warden adds believable protection and an impressive weapon that clearly state how dangerous she is.

Victorious Sivir
Victorious Sivir Splash Art Victorious Sivir Model
Category: Promotional (awarded to Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master and Challenger ranked players after Season 5)
Price: Not Applicabble
Concept: Sivir emblazoned in gold and laurels.
Model: New model for Sivir and her crossblade.
Particles: New particles for her abilities and auto-attack.
Animations: New recall animation.
Sounds: New sounds for her recall.
Splash Art: Shurima, restored to its glory, becomes once again the admiration of all as it celebrates its victorious child. The sunlight is blinding and the background very diffuse but the idea of a city welcoming a triumphant Sivir is a good setup. The obfuscated detail can feel oppressive and the background appears empty in places, like the sky, but the context is appreciated.
Sivir shines bathed in sunlight and shadows; which indicate a low Sun. The use of lighting is attractive and the detailed armour and clothes are quite appealing. The problem is that her face and hair are too cartoony in comparison and seem too youthful for the maturity she classically displays. The crossblade is rather clear in its exaggerated design but may be too big. Even though it’s not a small weapon this version seems too large and unwieldy even as a ceremonial item. That said, the portrayal is clear and while it’s mostly a pose for the cameras, magical ones we would guess, it presents a fine spotlight of Sivir’s look.
In the end, this splash art is somewhat uneven. The detailed portrayal is contrasted by cartoony elements while the background suffers from an unnecessarily heavy fog. The context is good and so is the depiction thus, while imperfect, this is quite a good piece.
Rating: Star clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZero
Conclusion: At first sight Victorious Sivir can look like another armoured version of the Battle Mistress but it’s actually a heavily decorated, royally even, take on Sivir. There’s some protection but the basis of the design is the blue clothes ornamented with golden laurels. The rich aesthetic is clear once one takes a good, close look at Sivir. The focus borders on making even her crossblade a piece of jewellery so the skin stands apart from others. That doesn’t mean that such a reliance on form doesn’t affect function as the heavy adornment can feel exaggerated. Surely, she looks distinguished and embellished but probably too much considering Sivir’s otherwise sober and practical choices. That’s mostly noticeable in the exaggerated crossblade which appears cumbersome and too florid. It makes a strong statement about the identity of the skin but can clash with Sivir’s personality.
The particles are noticeable thanks to their gold and blue colour scheme but don’t deviate from the patterns established by the classic incarnation. It could be said that they mostly adapt the visuals to the new looks so that everything stays consistent. There’s the odd extra swirl of blue or gold but, at large, it’s the same effects but with other colours. It’s all good, ultimately, but hardly striking. The recall is largely a showcase for her iconic crossblade. It doesn’t really say much about victory even. Yet, it doesn’t waste the work devoted to the crossblade and makes the most of it by putting it on the spotlight.
All things considered, Victorious Sivir is a good skin and a nice present for those skilled or fortunate enough to acquire it. If you are amongst the rest then there’s no reason to worry. The skin has a unique style but centred on adorning Sivir with gold and laurels with doesn’t fit her that well. In the end, it’s good but if you missed it then Warden could be a more reasonable option.

Neo PAX Sivir
Neo PAX Sivir Splash Art Neo PAX Sivir Model
Category: Exclusive (PAX West 2017 craftable or swag bags)
Price: Not applicable
Concept: Sivir enters the Grid dressed in Tron-style gear while her crossblade becomes a giant digital pad.
Model: New model for Sivir and her crossblade.
Particles: New crossblade particles for Boomerang Blade, Ricochet and her auto-attack. New red trail for Boomerang Blade.
Animations: No new animations.
Sounds: No new sounds.
Splash Art: Intensely blurry and diffuse there isn’t much that can be said about the setting except that it’s some sort of facility, a tunnel or corridor, made out of metal. There are some lights, apparently, on the floor which may add the Tron-like touch of the setting but it’s a weak and ineffective addition.
Sivir shows subdued colours in a portrayal that is dashing but a tad blurred; without much reason as speed isn’t evident. The stance does catch the eye but doesn’t allow a good view of Sivir’s outfit. The colourful design is perceivable but is never striking due to the lack of vibrancy. Only the face and torso are sharp enough to hint at the potential of the portrayal. From the lights on her back to her visor, hair or outfit, everything seems oppressed by the blur around Sivir. The crossblade takes up a good amount of space but it looks dim and diffuse. It makes the directional pad style difficult to discern though it’s perceivable with some effort. For such a relevant element, given how much space it occupies, a sharper depiction would’ve been expected.
Overall, this is a splash art that presents Sivir’s new look but in a timid, not to say indifferent, way. The result is a presentation card that covers the basics and has its moments yet without generating much excitement for the skin. That entirely lays in the skin’s limited availability.
Rating: Star clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZero
Conclusion: With a heavy dose of science fiction added, New PAX Sivir is quite an eye-catching skin that, upon closer inspection, seems like it could’ve offered more. It also looks quite familiar as it’s, without exaggeration, a simple re-texture of PAX Sivir. The new suit is more colourful and evokes the futuristic setting but with a dash of the Arcade line of skins added. Her crossblade supports that style and, while technologically advanced, still doesn’t look deadly at all; it remains a plastic toy. Additionally, as most of the details of the suit are made with textures based on an older skin, they look flat and deform a little too much as the model flexes and moves as they did in the original. Essentially, the age of the base can be perceived with attention.
In the end, it’s not a bad skin but also not as special, based on its features, as it’s implied to be. The skin’s concept is good and the Tron-like inclinations are an asset but this is never fully exploited. What really sets Neo PAX Sivir apart is the restricted availability as it can only be crafted or picked up during PAX. As it stands, it’s a good skin but nothing formidable. Given the obstacles in obtaining the skin, it’s an alright addition if you can easily get it but nothing outstanding to worry about missing.

Pizza Delivery Sivir
 Splash Art Pizza Delivery Sivir Model
Category: Regular
Price: 1350 RP
Concept: Sivir delivering pizza her own way.
Model: New model for Sivir and her crossblade.
Particles: New particles for her Boomerang Blade, Ricochet, Spell Shield, On the Hunt, auto-attack and recall.
Animations: New recall animation.
Sounds: New sounds for Boomerang Blade, auto-attack and recall.
Splash Art: Sivir may be accused of many things but certainly not of failing in dedication to her job. Even the lawn suffers from braking hard due to the, probably, excessive speed she’s been driving at. The motorbike can lie on the floor but the pizza is warm and ready to be consumed. Let’s just hope that Amumu is invited to the party; enough is enough. Of course, such speedy delivery may cause some mayhem with other delivery services or pedestrians but that’s nothing unusual. There’s no doubt that there’s ample context, a little story in fact, in a background that is unnecessarily blurred and less vibrant than it ought to be. The use of a door viewer to frame the perspective is an original, novel and attractive choice. Whose house could it be?
Sivir’s portrayal oozes style. The lines are florid and sharp with soft colours and elaborate shading. Just taking a look at Sivir’s shirt shows many folds; though her collar looks plastic-like. There are areas where colours are too soft and end up a bit drab. The left glove, the cap, her sweater and trousers aren’t as vivid as areas where the Sun shines on. Her face is quite clear and shows that she enjoys her competitive job but her fingers do look sketchy; that doesn’t happen to her generous cleavage, of course, but does to the front of her shirt. Her hair flows gracefully and the pizza, the most important part after all, flat-out looks delicious albeit a tad cartoony and uneven; let’s hope we are invited too.
All in all, this is a great tie in to the April Fool’s party depicted in previous, related skins. The depiction of Sivir is uneven and the background would welcome a more vivid look but there’s lots of context to make the piece interesting beyond a first look. There’s a lot to like in this imperfect splash art but thanks to its daring to innovate makes it one of League of Legends’ best splash arts despite the need of extra polish.
Rating: Star clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZero
Conclusion: Pizza Delivery Sivir is an appealing skin. The aim isn’t lofty but it’s somewhat clever as the Battle Mistress surely delivers pizzas but she does so in her own unique way. For that she’s dressed in a proper uniform that allows comfort and style; perhaps more the latter than the former. The, mostly, casual clothing is nothing novel but communicates the message well enough. Of course, the most salient feature is the delicious pizzas she throws at enemies. It may not be the deadliest of weapons, though the tray could have sharp edges.
This is translated to the particles. Auto-attacks and Boomerang Blade show splashes of mozzarella and pepperoni which certainly say little about lethality. The pizzas vanishing in thin air also seems rather cartoony and simplistic. However, Boomerang Blade randomly changes between pineapple and ham, mushroom and olives, and pepperoni toppings when activated adding the variety that is necessary for the most demanding gourmet; this is even noticeable as the crossblade flies away and back. That isn’t reflected in the many splashes and, even though Boomerang Blade adds directionality to the splashes, all the splashes look more or less the same; they always use pepperoni, though, regardless of shown topping for both auto-attacks and Boomerang Blade. Spell Shield, with its barrier of cheese and pepperoni is a nice way of employing available materials for protection but it also resorts to the one preferred topping. Unfortunately, the re-coloured, yellow particles of Ricochet and, most importantly, On the Hunt simply disappoint. Ricochet does show the crossblade travelling between enemies which show the pizza losing parts but it’s something subtle.
Sounds are only really new in the splashes when auto-attacks and Boomerang Blade hit enemies. They are nothing revolutionary but work well with the visuals. The rest is all familiar audio from Classic.
The only new animation is the recall which shows and reinforces how Sivir does things her way when it comes to packaging and delivering pizza. It may not be impressive but it furthers the theme well enough.
All added together, Pizza Delivery Sivir seems like a skin with a good initial idea that ran out of steam. The initial changes are appealing and the variety of toppings is an attractive choice. However, they aren’t also reflected in the splashes or the shield. It’s always pepperoni and a good portion of the abilities are simply re-coloured instead of employing cheese and toppings and too many classic sounds remain. Sure, it could be exaggerated but also consistent and in tune with the approach of the skin. The re-colours lack personality which added to the few new sounds leave the skin feeling unfinished. Still, it’s a nice skin for Sivir with an appealing topping rotation. Sadly, the clever adaptation stops halfway through.

Blood Moon Sivir
Blood Moon Sivir Splash Art Blood Moon Sivir Model
Category: Regular
Price: 1350 RP
Concept: Sivir as a half-demon priestess of the Blood Moon.
Model: New model for Sivir and her crossblade plus new electric streaks for her crossblade.
Particles: New particles for his abilities, auto-attack and recall.
Animations: New recall animation.
Sounds: New sounds for his abilities, auto-attack and recall.
Splash Art: There’s the Moon on one side, covering the city with its eerie light and also blurring out everything. There are buildings of uncertain design and a couple victims of the crossblade engulfed in a magical energy. Nothing specific can be gathered as everything is just too sketchy and relegated in meaning.
Sivir is what matters as per her prominent portrayal. Colours are soft and the timid highlights on gold decorations and glowing eye are too weak to combat the dim and even sketchy look of an otherwise colourful appearance. There’s also cleavage clearly depicted but it’s only faithful to the in-game look, actually. Still, it’s the dashing pose that makes Sivir most interesting. Her crossblade bears no resemblance to the in-game look and only passing with regards to Boomerang Blade’s in-game look. Actually, it becomes a rather fantastic representation of an already fictional fantasy weapon.
All added together, this is a splash art with potential but the feeling of draft remains. With a good layer of polish both background and Sivir would brim with life and the scene could show more. As it is, it may try to be atmospheric but instead it collapses into bare basics.
Rating: Star clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZeroStar clip art used in skin reviews at StrategyZero
Conclusion: Blood Moon Sivir presents herself as a half-demon priestess. That is clear enough in the model but clearly in a stylised and fantastic way. The eastern style is subdued and there’s little Kabuki style yet there’s a shy darkness to her look. Her crossblade is barely recognisable as it’s replaced by a disk ornamented with a Blood Moon reference on its centre and four blades sticking out. Why the outer edge of the disk wasn’t deadly enough isn’t clear as it seems a whimsical choice to grab attention.
Particles aren’t particularly interesting. Taking the classic design as base they change colour with darker blues and new reds but the blood-like trails are what stand out. They are sparsely used: only for Sivir’s movement speed buffs and Boomerang Blade and they aren’t exactly elaborate yet they do add a touch of the theme. The electric streaks added to the centre of the crossblade are nice but too subtle. On the Hunt, even as an ultimate, offers nothing noteworthy besides the blood-like trails. Impacts and Spell Shield also use a brief and dim red mist but it’s another subtle change.
Sounds clearly rely on the classic counterparts but abilities add metallic tones that provide a more supernatural feel. The classic-based sounds are different, more polished and lean in comparison with Classic Sivir but the design is familiar and they don’t manage to define a new identity. It’s the metallic tones’ supernatural touch which ends up being significant.
The new recall barely hints at the Kabuki style of the Blood Moon line. It is clear about the importance of the Blood Moon, though, and in that regard it’s explicit even if not impressive. It shows nothing new but it does say something clear: the Blood Moon is with all her subjects.
All things considered, Blood Moon Sivir has a good model but neither particles nor sounds are significant enough to define a new identity for the Battle Mistress. Every change seems too frail and subtle, the adaptation too thin and timid to embrace the full power of the Blood Moon and transform Sivir in to a fantastic new self. There are a few things to like, but in the end, the skin simply isn’t memorable.


Sivir’s skins offer many different things: from franchises’ references to complex crossblades; there’s a lot of variety. Most of her skins also rely on her impressive classic base and build upon it. This means that there is a certain familiarity between skins though it’s understandable as Sivir mostly changes clothes and crossblades.

None of her skins disappoint but some do stand out. The recommended choice is Warrior Princess Sivir: for a low price it does just as much as more expensive skins while offering an attractive and suitable style. Regardless, it’s a rather conservative skin so, if you’d like something more distinct then, Huntress Sivir is your best option: it’s a skin that provides a fantastic and well implemented concept with a lot of appeal.

Another attractive option is Warden Sivir. The formidable armour and fantastic crossblade make Sivir look deadly and effective. The skin mostly offers a new model but it’s one very well done so fans of Sivir should give it a chance.

There’s also a lot of appeal on Snowstorm Sivir with her fantastic crossblade and new particles. However, being a Snowdown skin, more is to be expected as the skin looks nice but doesn’t go beyond the minimum to be acceptable.

The darkest choice is Bandit Sivir with its aggressive aesthetic. It’s certainly a good looking skin but doesn’t do more than cheaper alternatives. The aspect is distinct but, added to the concept, it hardly innovates. At this price point, it’s hardly a bad choice but there are better options.

Pizza Delivery Sivir is a skin with lots of appeal and potential which is only partially realised. The throwing delivery of pizzas and rotating toppings are clever ideas but that’s as far as the skin goes. There’s a lot of Classic left untouched or re-coloured despite being able to, at least, further extend the theme; and cheese. The result is appealing but the skin feels unfinished.

Blood Moon Sivir is a skin with an interesting concept but an adaptation that does too little and too weakly to present the theme in its full force. While there’s some appeal in the skin the result is too shy without significant additions that embody the Blood Moon. This results in a skin that has a touch of the Blood Moon but not enough.

In spite of not being purchasable by the usual means Victorious Sivir deserves mention. It’s a skin with a clear focus on improving the Battle Mistress’ looks with gold and laurels. It does feel like it ignores practicality in the name of decoration and that’s not something that suits her. Still, even if it doesn’t offer any salient features it’s a skin with a distinct identity. If you could get it, it’s a fine option but if you didn’t then Warden may be a more sensible choice for Sivir.

PAX just like Neo PAX Sivir are skins that stand out more due to their restricted availability than their attractive executions. The concept is nice with a Tron styling coloured by Arcade-like touches that are appealing but this is never really exploited in the actual skin. It’s good but not worth the potentially high difficulty in acquiring it as we are encouraged to believe.

  63 Responses to “League of Legends: Sivir Skins’ Review”


  2. Glad that you like it. You may find PAX Sivir codes for sale at eBay, but be careful with your purchase.

  3. already used pax sivir code works now. i really want to get pax sivir! so.. if you don’t mind, please send me your used code

  4. Sivir is one of those champs which really benefits from the “Chinese Art Pack” in the forums. Her Chinese artwork looks absolutely beautiful and makes her older skins a tad bit more valuable in my opinion. While PAX Sivir seems the most popular choice nowadays i think its the option for those who are extravagant, specially considering that right now the PAX Sivir Skin is worth 10$ USD at least, on ebay.

    • Interesting suggestion. I agree that in many instances, the Chinese splash arts are superior to the Western versions; though not in every case. Besides, they don’t affect the quality of the three-dimensional model. So they aren’t a complete solution, but are a nice extra.

      • They are not a definite solution, of course. But most people I’ve seen really take in consideration the splash art when they are buying skins. (people that really value pretty loading screens, i guess)

        I also agree that not every champion looks better in the Chinese art, but really old champions like Soraka get a piece of art that is very nice to look at in loading screens and in game icons and it does add a little bit of value to me considering i play Support Soraka all the time and my girlfriend plays AD Carry with Sivir.

  5. Man… i really like the idea around Warrior Princess skin (as a reference to Xena) but the giant feet always kills it for me.

    • Truth be told, Sivir is in dire need of a visual rework.

      • And yet, her remodel (as far as i know) is not even planned

        They have to leave space for the almighty and all popular Karma. (ha ha)

        • Not to talk about Nidalee and her beloved gigantic boots. Although, they make her look cute; especially when running “on the Prowl”.

          Indeed, Sivir is just one of many champions that have to queue up for a visual re-work.

  6. Isn’t sivir’s ulti changed in the bandit skin? I mean isnt it more colorful?

  7. Are these reviews updated to the VU?

  8. Review Sivir as of the VU 🙂

  9. I still think I like bandit skin the best (probably because I like her weapon best in that version) but I’m disappointed that after the VU her hair clips – very noticeably – through that spike on her shoulder when she runs. It seems a bit sloppy.

    • That would’ve probably involved altering the classic animations to fit with the Bandit model; which may be too much for a 975 RP skin. It’s still a very nice skin with a distinct identity but her boomerang could’ve kept the five blades instead of having four.

  10. Are you going to review the new skins when they are released this snowdown? (Winter Wonder Lulu, Snow Day Singed, and Snowstorm Sivir)

  11. Does Snowstorm sivir have new particles for ricochet?????

  12. in her recochet , when it has blue particles. right.? nice review too.!

    • Glad that you like it, the particles for Ricochet are simply inherited from her auto-attack. As it is an auto-attack modifier and doesn’t have any additional particles you can consider that it hasn’t received any new particles.

  13. i think snowstorm sivir is legacy but not.?

    • Snowstorm Sivir along Winter Wonder Lulu and Snow Day Singed are legacy skins as far as we know. As such they’ll retire to the Legacy Vault after the event and return next Snowdown.

  14. nice but i cant agree with the snowstorm sivir.

    • We aren’t happy with it either but for a legacy skin Snowstorm Sivir has to be held at a high standard. The skin is certainly good but it simply lacks something extra to make it truly special.

  15. what is the best skin for sivir.?? Better to hear your opinion…

    • Huntress Sivir is the most unique in terms of looks, thanks to the boomerang. However, it’s also the most expensive and difficult to get if you are not interested in the contents of the Champions Bundle; fortunately it’s a flexible bundle. Bandit and Snowstorm are interesting but Warrior Princess stands out due to her distinct theme. If you’d like something reasonably priced with an iconic style then Warrior Princess would be a good choice.

  16. Thank you very much i have snowstorm sivir but for now i didnt like it.. i want pax but i cant get i want huntress but unavailable too better to get warrior princess thank you for your opinion. Nice reviews for the GOD OF ADR SIVIR 🙂 ….

    • Not at all, hope you enjoy Warrior Princess. Also, don’t forget to give Snowstorm another chance: it’s not a bad skin and has a clear theme. It simply doesn’t feel really special but can be charming in its own way.

  17. Hey, I don’t really understand why Warden Sivir is only 4 stars out of 5, as it seems that you have no problems with the skin and pretty imply it’s pretty much flawless , and I also want to point out there is a new particles for her auto and her W.
    Other than that, great reviews, as Sivir being my favourite champ, it’s great to see her have a fantastic variety of skins 🙂
    Good Day. 😀

    • You’re right, there’s a new trail for Ricochet and we should clarify what fault we found with the skin: the aesthetic is too homogeneous. Thanks for the notice, it’ll allow us to improve the review.

  18. There is a particle change for snowstorm sivir’s q trail. In the middle of the trail there is a line of snowflakes that are left after her crossblade. Just for your info haha (: actually I was quite disappointed that the marksman project skin wasn’t given to her since sivir has a lot of potential with a project theme given her skillset especially the blade and the shield

    • Oh I forgot, her trail is also blue-ish as compared to the traditional yellow-green trail. I was wondering if it’s together with the. Blade particle changes or it’s seperate, since you listed the trail seperately for pax sivir

    • Indeed, for Snowstorm Sivir we sort of included the new snowflake particles it in the catch all phrase ‘new particles for Boomerang Blade’. The idea with PAX Sivir was to note that there are only adapted particles. We should add that there are new snowflakes for Snowstorm so that it’s clearer. Thanks for bringing this to out attention.

  19. Can you make a victorius sivir review ?

  20. What do you think of the Victorious Sivir skin?

    • It’s good, nothing to worry about if you couldn’t get it but nice to receive as a present. We’ll try to have a review available soon.

  21. Did you forget about the Victorious Sivir? Considering you posted about the bundles and sales that came after it, it feels like you did. It has been over a week already, I was very much looking forward to it.

  22. Sorry to ask, but will this be updated to keep in tune with the splash arts?

    Also do you think Warrior Princess lost some of the charm since it no longer looks like Xena? (that was the only reason I bought it)

    • New splash arts will be incorporated and their reviews updated. However, it’ll take some time given the high quantity of changed pieces.

      Warrior Princess is still quite similar to Xena. Perhaps it’s not as close to the Xena image as it once was, we aren’t really sure, but there was always some distance between Xena and Warrior Princess. It’s still a clear reference from what we see and a rather nice re-model for Sivir.

  23. this is so informative! thank you guys for what you do 🙂 i always enjoy reading your review

  24. Hi I just wanted to point out that in the Conclusion section, you have a paragraph about SKT Sivir when that skin was scrapped. Other than that great reviews.

  25. Hey there Zero, I wanna ask about your early opinion on Pizza Delivery Sivir. I think its an awesome skin, after all it was originally a fanmade skin concept for Sivir.

    The thing that bugs me though is the pricing, it looks and feels like underwhelming to be priced at 1350Rp. Sure there are new Recall, Sounds and Particles but it still feels underwhelming for it’s price and even Birdio (Galio’s Upcoming Skin) have the features (Recall, Sounds & Particles) but is priced at 975Rp.

    I would like to know what you think about it. Thanks Zero

    • We agree, it’s a nice skin with an appealing concept and a nice feature in the rotating toppings for the pizzas. However, it doesn’t offer enough for 1350 RP. If the skin had a deeper adaptation that further used the toppings and mozzarella then perhaps it could make sense. It’s a pity because Pizza Deliver Sivir has enough to be a good option but the price isn’t a good reflection of what’s on offer.

      • I enjoy playing Sivir and have most of her skins Warrior Princess, Spectacular, Bandit, Snowstorm & Warden. I need a new flavour/theme for Sivir and the only obtainable ones left are Huntress & Pizza Delivery.

        Which one would u recommend for me? Huntress or Pizza Delivery. I like Huntress for its attractive Tribal theme but its just a remodel for a price of 975rp. Pizza Delivery is awesome too but it feels pricey for what it offers (1350Rp).

        Lately the 1350 tier Skins released are underwhelming. I remember the time when these such skins are priced at 975Rp like Steel Legion Lux (New animation for autos, walk, ult and new sounds). Usually I would gladly spend 1350Rp for an epic skin but in this case the skin itself seems underwhelming. I think the only satisfying 1350Rp is probably Programm Lissandra imo.

        • You are right, seldom do 1350 RP do something that makes them feel special. Program Lissandra is an exception that simply does everything well; with a few minor extras.

          Huntress Sivir is, indeed a re-model, but a appealing and interesting. For 975 RP it’s a good skin. It doesn’t offer as much as other skins yet what it does offer it does well.

          Pizza Deliver Sivir’s appeal is all in the joke and rotating toppings. If those two things aren’t enough to make the skin feel special then there really isn’t anything else relevant enough to merit mention. It’s certainly a skin to get on sale.

          If you want another Sivir skin, assuming you play Sivir enough to warrant so many skins, we would recommend to take a good look at Huntress to see if what it offers is enough. Pizza Deliver Sivir is a skin with appeal but a sale makes it all the more palatable.

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